Polish politics

Bishop Wętkowski: Cultural Marxism is at the threshold of the Ministry of Education's activities
Nigeria: Charismatic priests spread “unorthodox ministries” and destruct  liturgy. Bishops appeal for repentance
In Poland, Bolshevism, in France, Jacobinism. How is the “eldest daughter of the Church” destroying education?
Kolodko – liberal-neoliberal defence  of the Polish People's Republic
“Religious fanatics” and “hate speech”
Pro Foundation: Sex education a compulsory subject in Polish schools
Tusk introduces a fresh  form of net  censorship
Let's defend  children from pornography! The Sejm received an application to registry  a legislative initiative committee
Farmers are preparing for fresh  protests
Will AI lead to the demolition  of humanity? Prof. Zybertowicz on a script  more terrible than annihilation
Wejście na rympał do siedziby Marszu Niepodległości to zlecenie polityczne
Publiczne e-dzienniki od zaraz!
Tą akcją chcą przykryć 9 miesięcy nieudanych rządów Tuska
„Mowa nienawiści” to pałka do okładania jednej strony sceny politycznej
Szczesny in (un)sportsmanship
The president   of the Ministry of National Defence on the invasion of the Bodnarists – an interview
Cyrk i kompromitacja Bodnara!
"How do you intend to deal with the smuggling and human trafficking mafias?" Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik's fierce clash with the manager  of Frontex
Invasion of the MN headquarters: police "grab" the property of the All-Polish Youth
Deputy Prime Minister Kosiniak-Kamysz expressed "surprise" at the resignation of the anti-Polish chauvinist Kułeba
Praktyki z państw totalitarnych do nas już zawitały
Atak na Marsz Niepodległości to “sprawa kuriozalna, skandaliczna i nieprzypadkowa”
USA: Nashville transgender killer treated 'gender identity' like a religion
Poseł Mulawa: Jestem w siedzibie Stowarzyszenia Marsz Niepodległości
Tusk się wściekł
Sex education is simply a mandatory subject in Polish schools. Pro-Prawo do Życia Foundation warns
Francis' "Silence." Scorsese Convinced the Pope Not to Conquer Asia for Christ?
The era of universal surveillance begins
Here comes the “hate speech.” Donald Tusk on the details of the Bodnar bill
Psychiatric premise will let  abortion up to 9 months of pregnancy
What about K2 tanks? The Minister of National defence  announced that he had made a decision
Prof. Żaryn: "progressive" education improvement  is simply a mention  to Gomułka's times. Not a word about Volhynia
Tusk wanted to get angry, but he made a fool of himself!
Zatrzymania wśród „prawdziwych Polaków”
Who will forbid the rich? This is no longer a rhetorical question
Our nature is the road!
Złożyliśmy w Sejmie projekt ustawy dotyczący likwidacji podatku Belki!
Przypominamy! Konfederacja wzywa CBA do działań w tej sprawie
Will Orlen's investment stand? fresh  management is not certain  about the future of the large plant in the country
1410 Grunwald
How to Love Addicts? Father Dziewiecki on Wise Love
This is what the Ministry of National Education is afraid of. A powerful conference at the office  of the ministry Nowacka
Tusk znowu okłamał Polaków
The fucking destiny  of the barrel organ player
Miracles are our specialty
Świadomość klasowa bogatych
Gender propaganda and abuse: A fresh  school year in France full of fears
1109 defence  of Głogów.
Wrześniowa trasa Mentzen2025