
Szlęzak: Was there a coup in Poland?
Tuscany at the forefront of the Italian revolution. It approved alleged  assisted suicide
Poprzez USAID i NED naciskano na aresztowanie i rozliczanie polityków PiS
A voice from the molehill: they utilized  to be only comic, from now on they are both comic and unbelievable.
The Bodnar Effect
Did the perpetrators of this lawlessness pack their bags before fleeing the country?
A voice from the mole hole: do we inactive  have a president   in Poland!!!
"Early spring"
Swing upon swing...
Coup d'état
Prezes TK: “Może dojść do tego, iż na ulice wyprowadzone zostanie wojsko”
Now we have political theater, but in his time Tusk can wave a paddle in a striped uniform!
WHO is scaring Poles??
If it is possible to take over TVP by a resolution of the Sejm, it is besides  possible to reject the Migration Pact
Stowarzyszenie “Swojak” apeluje do Prezydenta RP ws. ustawy sankcyjnej
Wniosek o areszt dla Ziobry. Bodnar zapowiada, iż go podpisze
Standardy demokracji są ustawicznie naruszane przez tzw. Koalicję 13 Grudnia
Zbigniew Ziobro zatrzymany przez policję po wyjściu z TV Republika
Zbigniew Ziobro ma być doprowadzony przed komisję śledczą ws. Pegasusa
Poland is dependent on Brussels through the KPO and is paying dearly for it
Janusz Waluś gave his first interview!
Open letter to Marshal Marek Sawicki
It was essential  erstwhile   it was inactive  possible, but possibly  it will inactive  be possible...
Two “pastors” and a judaic  female  blessed an abortion clinic
State of threat to the existence of the NATION. Legal chaos.
The Civic Platform is dismantling our country. This anarchy must be stopped
"Bad" due to the fact that it is ecclesiastical, not state? Windows of Life save children and... they pinch leftists
Polish bishops say 'NO' to the actions of the Ministry of National Education! Hierarchs call on parents to fight in defence of 'rights of believers'
Neo-Nazism as a product of German services
Coup d'état in Romania
Together with the President, we will proceed  to work to end the regulation  of law crisis in Poland
Officer and candidate statement.
Barbara Nowacka on religion   in school: There will be no agreement with the Church. Case closed
Marriage is simply a heterosexual union between a man and a woman. Does the Constitution of the Republic of Poland leave any doubts?
One is smarter than the other
Scandals at the Catholic University of Lublin. What was prof.  Zbigniew Izdebski doing there?
It is bad that Donald Tusk does not print  the judgments of the Constitutional Tribunal [interview]
Will the Tusk government usage  force to bring Zbigniew Ziobro before the committee? The Sejm has expressed its approval
Will Zbigniew Ziobro become PiS's candidate for president?
10 reasons why we will not terminate the concordat (because it is impossible)
Neo-judges. A circus only for Poles
Walmart wycofuje się pod presją z finansowania „tęczowych” parad i korporacyjnej polityki DEI
Trybunał Konstytucyjny: lewicowe zmiany w organizacji lekcji religii są niezgodne z przepisami
Regulation of the Ministry of Education on the organization of religion   lessons inconsistent with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the Law on the Educational System
USA: children in schools in Texas will read the Holy Scripture. This is the decision of the education departments
"What is Veterans Day?"
Sentence for criticizing lockdown. Germany returns to totalitarianism
Polregio will not replace old trains with fresh  ones. A mistake   in the paperwork or a deliberate action to finish off the carrier?
They want to destruct   Father Olszewski's defence  lawyer  from the case. Shocking letter from the prosecutor's office
He may become a cardinal. What will Archbishop Adrian Galbas do in Warsaw?