
Gigantic compensation for teacher   fired by LGBT deviants
Our state is slipping through our fingers
The (non)extraordinary caste. Tuleya's logic
Jakub Majewski: The Polish state is rushing towards the wall
Liberal democracy in action: Bundestag to consider banning AfD – the country's second largest party
What and who else should not be recognized before the inevitable imprisonment?
Bodnar with a razor
The academy of Tusk's regime
Marian Banaś made NIK a private tool of revenge
Political justice in Germany's fresh  normal
Magna Polonia won against the healer Jerzy Zięba!
Soon, verdict in the case of pro-abortion protest leaders. Among the charges - calling for the demolition  of churches
"Tygodnik Powszechny" rejected the text by Father Ludwik Wiśniewski. due to the fact that he held the incorrect  people accountable.
Antoni Ciszewski: Lex super omnia – law above all
The “rule of law” of Tusk’s state…
We thank God, we do not quit our weapons. Sławomir Olejniczak on 25 years of the Father Piotr Skarga Association
For Tusk, you are not a citizen, but… a public enemy. “Militant democracy” is simply a harbinger of tyranny
We request  that Prime Minister Donald Tusk be held criminally liable
Do you want to kill people like me? Bawer Aondo Akaa's dramatic appeal to Prime Minister Tusk
The “terror of the regulation  of law” is eating its own children
We call on Minister Bodnar to resign!
Tuska's Tribute
Will Genderism Save America from Shootings? Bizarre Explanations by weapon  Control Opponents
Tusk and the Spanish "Dr. Death". The "mental health" premise is abortion on demand
Rev. Prof. Stanisz from the Catholic University of Lublin: Both Ministers are not telling the fact  about spiritual  education classes
Disadvantages of the KPO loan: Countries may not have time to spend the funds allocated to them
The EU is blackmailing Hungary. Threat of deducting millions from Brussels funds
TK zawiesił rozporządzenie ograniczające lekcje religii. Ordo Iuris wyjaśnia jak teraz wygląda sprawa organizacji katechezy
TK zablokował kontrowersyjne zmiany w polskiej edukacji
Szlęzak: „Burdel i serdel”
Kalendarium historyczne: 30 sierpnia 2007 – Afera Gruntowa
Episkopat zadowolony z decyzji TK. „Była oczekiwana”
Układ stoisławski w elewarrze – najnowsze ustalenia życiestolicy
„Gazeta Polska”: dowody, iż Tusk od początku sterował Martą Lempart są dziś silne jak nigdy dotąd
USA: kolejna duża firma Lowe’s wycofuje się z polityki DEI
Minister Nowacka o Episkopacie: Skończyło się Eldorado
U-turn on fresh  catechism regulations. The president   of the ultimate  Court is complaining about them to the Constitutional Court with a request to suspend them
Jesteście Polacy MANIPULOWANI przez własny rząd!!!
Who will save the Polish school? About religion   lessons and more
Antoni Ciszewski: In the service of the presumption of guilt
US ultimate  Court Justice: Excessive regulation threatens the freedoms of average  Americans
Will there be at least 1  free expressway left in Poland? The December 13 Coalition is digging into our pockets
Krzysztof Stanowski mocked journalists? The left-wing salon deletes comments after "unmasking" Channel Zero
Stanowski catches pelicans
A deviant claiming to be a "trans" wants to force compensation from the university
Szpital w Oleśnicy morduje dzieci choćby w 8. miesiącu ciąży
Rzeź niewiniątek w szpitalu Oleśnicy. Najstarsze abortowane dziecko miało 8 miesięcy
The Romanowski case: who would believe in the regulation  of law?
“Sovereign Poland” is committed to the supremacy of global  law!
MP Romanowski was detained in connection with the Justice Fund case