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Polish politics
World politics
Polish politics
Polish politics
World politics
Cardinal Eijk: The way of the Church is not reform...
Between December and October
She wants the capitulation of the Christian world....
Inflation and rising cost of surviving exacerbate...
"The devil fights hatred speech". Polish priest e...
"Proof -Why planet Wars Are Arranged "".
Rev. Prof. Dariusz Kowalczyk: building consensus t...
Witold Jurasz: We have invested a lot in Ukraine, ...
Warsaw: The 2nd National Papal March commemorated ...
Bishop Leszkiewicz to hunters: "Everything that co...
Trzaskowski odkrył świat firm technologicznych
Victims of the UPA: Stanisław Czyżewski
Father Jerzy Popiełuszko: "The only thing 1 shoul...
Relics of Blessed Father Jerzy Popiełuszko. An Ext...
Father Jerzy Popiełuszko: the value of fact and t...
The December 13 Coalition wants to accelerate the ...
Sławomir Mentzen briefly and specifically about th...
The Left attacks the Sejm with a bill on civilian ...
Confederation has an answer to irresponsible migra...
Responsible Migration Policy Package
I hope this government falls!
Are we a Nation? Polish Salt March 2024
Participants of the Synod on Synodality debate the...
Francis "ignored the norms" and showed arbitrarine...
There will be no promised tax-free amount of PLN 6...
Piskorski: Jesters in uniforms
Horror! This is how erstwhile governments create...
"The Finckenstein Treasure".
Historical timeline: October 18, 1672 – Treaty of ...
Homosexual Relationships ‘Harmful and Empty.’ stud...
WARSAW: Grzegorz Płonka – pianist, composer and ph...
It's good to be a sovereign or at least a sove...
Parents will no longer be possible criminals? Min...
President Trzaskowski is simply bothered by the ...
Negro standards in Lublin
Police warn: abroad gangs in Poland are increasin...
Tusk's government is not keeping its promises
They traded 1 fat cat for another
Patriots not of this Earth – they confused borders...
Fat Cat Empire
Miliony biednych w Polsce
Poland to pay PLN 2 billion fine! Effect of PiS go...
Rule of Lay Theologians? Experts at Synod Want to ...
Time for Polish business!
"Polish School - Deconstruction and Foundations of...
Columbus, or Władysław III of Varna - King of Pola...
"What would not have been allowed under PiS regula...
Washington Examiner: How to Reclaim Culture? It Ta...
Confederation women are increasing stronger!
Ukrainian soldiers revolt. They are tired of being...