Polish politics

The leftist authorities of Warsaw approved the construction of a fresh  mosque!
London policeman acquitted. He shot an aggressive black man during an intervention
Robert Bąkiewicz: the independency  March will definitely take place. It is hard   to imagine it being otherwise
A full   failure of the 800+ program!
Over 20 years in prison for bribery. The erstwhile  president   of Peru heard the verdict
Historical timeline: October 22, 1945 – The first attack of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army on Bircza
Transplantation macabre. The would-be donor woke up just before the organ harvest
The archbishop – a supporter of the rainbow lobby will visit the conventional  priestly fraternity
Another attack by Jews on UN soldiers in Lebanon
Chmielewski from Rome: A dispute about women in the Vatican. Synodality is heading for a stormy end
Cardinal. Fernández: There will be no women's diaconate – for now
Who is worth talking to and who is not?
Germans no longer want "electric cars". They return to average  fuel
On Thursday, a fresh  encyclical of Francis will be published. It will be dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Antoni Ciszewski: Let's enter the Ark of Salvation
Cardinal Erdö criticizes the way religion   is taught in Western Europe. "It's relativism."
Tusk's government is working on a "pyrotechnic compromise." It is about "animal welfare"
Cardinal Erdö: spiritual  education is limping along. It is being destroyed by relativism
Cardinal Zen criticizes Vatican cardinals seeking to change Church doctrine with synod
"Family as a origin  of peace". A conference on the occasion of the Day of household  Rights will be held in the Sejm
"brzrzrz" - "compensation"
Cardinal Eijk: The way of the Church is not reformism, but sound teaching and dignified liturgy
Between December and October
Rev. Jerzy Popieluszko
Record-breaking fake passport. Ukrainian, of course
She wants the capitulation of the Christian world. She has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the Catholic University of Lublin. Title for Chantal Delsol
Inflation and rising cost of surviving  exacerbate poverty. The government's answer? More benefits
Advertising in liquidation
"The devil fights hatred  speech". Polish priest explains how neo-Marxists lie
Magiczne rytuały kościoła chrześcijańskiego
Kęty: the world's first shrine to St. John Cantius at his birthplace
"Proof -Why planet  Wars Are Arranged "".
Rev. Prof. Dariusz Kowalczyk: building consensus the chief mission of the Church? With whom and around what?
Witold Jurasz: We have invested a lot in Ukraine, but we have stayed in the car
Poland on ice
The problem of immigrants in Europe in the position  of the discipline  of civilizations - Magdalena and Adam Wielomskis
Warsaw: The 2nd National Papal March commemorated Father Jerzy Popiełuszko
Tusk again straddles the corner
Far left presents draft law on “civil partnerships”
Bishop Leszkiewicz to hunters: "Everything that comes from God's hand has been given to man"
Trzaskowski odkrył świat firm technologicznych
Word for the Papal March on the 40th anniversary of the martyrdom of Blessed Father Jerzy Popiełuszko
He woke up erstwhile   they wanted to harvest his organs
Changes to the Polish Card. From now on, you will request   to know Polish