
Megalomania Tuska
Francja: Prezydentura Macrona utorowała Le Pen drogę do władzy
Totals against Piech
New leftist definition of rape voted down. According to the amendment, anyone can be accused
The parliament has passed a fresh  definition of rape. It's a return to russian  methods
The manager  of the MIIWW has enrolled the Ulms and Pilecki in the Law and Justice Party!
Zielonka: Why do politicians not keep their promises? On how democracy loses the race against time
Of course Matysiak had no thought  how it would end
It's hard   to love the Left erstwhile   it's so frivolous
The full   of Poland is simply a megalopolis, or how a smiling government screwed its voters
Dzięki PO-PiS będzie łatwiej fałszywymi oskarżeniami rujnować ludziom życie
Wielki sukces kobiet
This BMW will not go far enough!
Every United Right needs its own supporters
Donald Tusk is as lonely as Robert Lewandowski
Makov: “Some should prepare for pogroms”
Preschoolers from the government department and their promising girls
Rząd powinien zaskarżyć pakt migracyjny do TSUE. Dlaczego tego nie robi?
Waldemar Pawlak dressed up as a bear and did a presidential favor!
IMPORTANT! OmZrik loses cases and does not execute the sentence, and the fraudster Gaweł does not repay his obligations to Jacek Międlar! [DOCUMENTS]
Antoni Ciszewski: And under Malbork they would have gone...
From a disobedient France to a social France. The United Left goes to the polls
Conclusions after the elections to the European Parliament
Lies of Grzegorz Hotyka
Will a divided Left drive a leftist agenda?
The most controversial organization  thought  in 2024
The arguments of the supporters of Sunday trading are 1  large  scam
Halina Bortnowska has died
Is the presidential run  just beginning?
The candidate for prime minister of France corresponds to Mbappe. Footballer standing upright
Why did the British turn distant  from the Conservatives?
Primitive voter goes to elections
Don't ask the Tories if they were erstwhile  poor
Grzegorz Braun gave an interview to a writer  from the USA! “We don't want Poland to be an American state” [INTERVIEW WITH POLISH SUBTITLES]
New Caledonia Riots: The small  Pawn in the large  Game
Czech European elections 2024: sometimes it's better to lose
First failure in a decade. It was Kaczynski who decided the election.
Wywijanie giwerami
Michał Peno: Narracje o wynikach wyborczych lewicy
Polacy są za budową CPK. Przeciwko jest Donald Tusk
Zamiast wolności politycznej ma być wolność konsumpcji
Slovakia: all is not lost yet [on the European elections]
With an "H" it could be Ohio or Argentina, which means the end of dreams about candidate Magierowski
Innocent wizards? Like a voter, like a politician
John Paul: Lewica na równi pochyłej
France: 3  weeks of earthquakes
Why is the left ashamed?
How can extra-parliamentary circles identify a common candidate for president   of the republic?