
The collection of signatures for the candidacy of Sławomir Mentzen for the presidency is underway
In the clutches of elections
Not to be afraid of Tusk, or hypocrisy and panic in Trzaskowski's staff
I support the Mentzen2025 run  and I ask you to do the same!
Help in collecting signatures!
We meet on January 25 in Katowice!
Hołownia chce utrudnić wyjście Polski z UE
On Saturday, Sławomir Mentzen will visit Kłobuck, Myszków and Zawiercie
The desperate Rafał Zenka caught on...
Unjustified claims against president   Andrzej Duda
Presidents in spe and the voter's voice
W.P. Chicheł: Dlaczego wyjście Grzegorza Brauna umocni, a nie osłabi niepisowską prawicę?
Rękas: Who is Braun hurting?
KROPS alerts: MEN will return to compulsory wellness  education. It intends to violate parental rights
On Friday, Mentzen will visit Lubliniec, Tarnowskie Góry and Bytom
Confederation in Trap or on the way  to Power
Sławomir Mentzen's election committee was the first to be registered!
"We have achieved success that we never dreamed of. Now our paths had to diverge"
Braun kandydatem na prezydenta. Bryłka: “Wypisał się z Konfederacji”
We were the first to submit notification of the establishment of an election committee!
Our decision to support Sławomir Mentzen should not have come as a surprise
Kamiński: Neither resentment nor submission
End of speculation. Braun candidate for president   of Poland
Ziętek-Wielomska: household  is not a “stakeholder”…
Jakub Majewski: A Brief Glimmer of Normality: The Adulterer and the Oath of Office
Marszałek Sejmu podpisał postanowienie ws. zarządzenia wyborów prezydenckich
Braun is not Mentzen's problem
We appeal to all those who have the good of our homeland in their hearts
We have a presidential election ahead of us, which could be a breakthrough minute  that changes the course of this history!
Łachecki: The parliamentary left is the most ideologically neutral political environment in Poland
J. Międlar: Braun's candidacy will strengthen the Confederation! Wipler out [VIDEO]
They are going to a second war with the "hooligans" and they will lose again
Crowds at meetings with Sławomir Mentzen. immense  success of the Mentzen2050 tour
Saryusz-Wolski on the censorship tendencies of the EU and the government: "We have Brussels in Warsaw and Warsaw in Brussels"
Will “Common Tomorrow” become the second driving force of the left?
Lider portugalskiej Chega: Cel jest zawsze jeden – położyć kres temu systemowi!
Unofficially: Grzegorz Braun will start in the presidential race
Reform UK po raz pierwszy na czele sondażu
Majmurek: Biejat and Zandberg will fight for a left-wing micro-cake
Will Eurokolkhoz invalidate Polish elections if Trzaskowski does not win?
Grzegorz Braun will run in the presidential elections
Ryszard R. Kalisz is semi-illiterate.
PO and PiS voted unanimously to rise  electricity bills
Grzegorz Braun kandydatem na prezydenta? Mentzen twierdzi, iż nie
Zandberg kandydatem Razem na prezydenta
Ukrainian gratitude is endless
Or possibly  Trzaskowski?
Kickl stawia na remigrację
Jean-Marie Le Pen has become a "detail of history"