
Panel with John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs
The Polish government is doing a "legal flip" towards its own citizens in order to make people happy... Kiev
The commission for 'Pegasus' should pray that Zbigniew Ziobro would not appear
Kacper Kita on the disastrous strategy   of the Democrats: They make  voters for themselves by promoting childlessness
"Fraud", "we must get free  of them", "democracy humiliated". The French announce a fierce rebellion against the fresh  "era of Macronism"
The utmost  right as the aftermath of the crisis of liberal capitalism [interview]
Demography - do not accept propaganda
Presidential primaries: appeal to independent circles and organizations in Poland and abroad
A bizarre survey. TVN asked its viewers to make  "child-free zones"
Invitation to participate in the primary elections to choice  an independent candidate for the office of the president   of the Republic of Poland in the 2025 elections
"Reverberation" returns to Poland, that is, Marcin Kierwinski's dismay
In the Maghreb, the presidential elections are arranged from A to Z by the incumbent presidents
Piskorski: Conservative subcultures
Smile! You are in Poland
Germany: Redistribution through the Nation State vs. the “Lifestyle Left”
I did not choose US: Duda, Tusk…
An oxalis once! Is this a prelude to Donald Tusk's presidential campaign?
Mentzen to Wojewódzki on the Church: a lasting strategy   of values that is at least worth considering
We live in floods and scandals
17 DEH. 17 IX 1939 WE REMEMBER!!!
Gentlemen on their own. Political doctrine  of PSL
Minister Kotula wants to trade in the blood of unborn children? The minister proposed a bloody "deal"
The president   behind the dark windows
No organization  candidate will win against the "December 13 dinner" candidate
15 DEH. 1901-1948 WITOLD PILECKI
14 DEH. 1944 Warsaw Uprising.
Mentzen: If I become president, there will be no "soft play"
Poland is becoming an immigrant country at an alarming rate.
Bodnar to resign! "This is not what the regulation  of law and democracy are about"
13 DEH. 1939/63. Polish Underground State.
Abortion: Smart Talk vs. Truth
CPK without an airport? A transport strategy   fit for the planet
12 DEH. POLES broke the Enigma code!
Abortion Referendum Coinciding with Presidential Elections? Bingo!
Health education is actually sex education. MEN manipulates the awareness of parents and children
1944/5 Maczek's Black Devils.
Why Mentzen? Krzysztof Bosak explains the Confederation's election decision
"December 13 Coalition" loses power after 9 months
How to resolve the “constitutional crisis”?
With Robert M. Smoktunowicz
Cyberviolence against women – a fresh  face of an old problem
10 DEH. ULMA FAMILY. Blessed.
10 DEH. 1945 Monte Cassino.
Kluli “tulipanami” swoją ofiarę. Efekt legalnej imigracji. To Wasza wina!
Why are the Chinese holding on tight?
Stupid, evil and cosmopolitan – this is the voter of the Civic Coalition
Missouri: justice  Denies Vote on Infanticide Law, But That's Not the End of Pro-Life Battle
9 DEH. 1940 conflict  of Britain.
Crisis Magazine: 'Junk' Food Is the way  to Apathy and Enslavement