Polish politics

Zinkievich: Hit 57 times...
Fat cats from Tusk and Holownia
Machinskaya on the government's migration policy: large  were our expectations...
Aleksander szumański polish poet from lvov
Sławomir Mentzen o 100 ustawach i zamrażarce sejmowej
Tłuste koty od Hołowni, Tuska i Lewicy obsiadły Spółki Skarbu Państwa
Tłuste koty Hołowni
Na granicy bez zmian
Kołodziejczak zastrasza rolników?
Adam Bodnar – największy szkodnik rządu
TVPO in the form of
My life is illegal
Mała krakowska stabilizacja
BKP: Besungu unites with the pseudo-pope in the program of sodomizing Africa, but strategically lies to the African bishops. What is the solution?
Skutki rolniczych protestów
Sławomir Mentzen on his collaboration with Grzegorz Braun
Economically, we may be worse off than a country at war
Si vis pacem, para bellum is! If you want peace, say no to armaments!
A "pill for reason" needed now!
Xavier Woliński: Co my zrobimy bez kieratu?
Cenzura w Sejmie. Marszałek Hołownia blokował krytyczne wypowiedzi o LGBT
Tusk remains silent on Putin's lies and manipulations
Over 14 years of fighting for seniority pensions
Icelandic Social Democratic organization  – what is their thought  for changing the country?
BKP: Fiducia Supplicans – okno Overtona
How will the Confederacy vote to ban the Pride parade?
Farmers say ENOUGH!
We will pay PLN 6.2 billion in social safety  to Ukrainians! This was decided by the PO-PiS coalition
Many fear that the fresh  government will be no little  sloppy than the erstwhile   one
That's how it will be...
"We gotta cancel or we will lose"
Tusk's disgrace
Student laptop suspended. What's next?
How is the College of Bishops obliged to respond   to Bergoglio's doctrinal declaration, which changes the paradigm — the teaching of the Church?
Gdzie ta hiperinflacja i druga Grecja?
III. ZDRADA!!! SSO Gdańsk M. J. Hartuna.
The Left full  supports the widow's pension!
NO to the ban on fur animals!
You must not agree to this!
Anarchizm versus libertarianizm
BKP: Analiza herezji w „Ad theologiam promovendam”
Widow's pension: most parliamentary clubs on yes