Polish politics

Physics of sound
John McManus: "What is the UN?"
Antoni Ciszewski: In the service of the presumption of guilt
Austrian Chaplain: Olympic Games… “A evidence  of Ecumenism and Interfaith Friendship”
The "great replacement" theory.
Pol Trek, or Ours in Space
"We are in the mediate  of gaining or losing freedom." Dramatic homily by Archbishop Wacław Depo
NEW parent  -POLAND!
Trip to Gdańsk to commemorate the anniversary of the execution  of Inka and Zagończyk
Will PKS buses come back?
Tusk to Duda, we to Tusk
Slaughtered by the retirement patriarchy
Ordo Iuris wins in court: frozen IVF baby will be born according to mother's will
Bartłomiej Zindulski: Burdy, wandalizm, polowanie na kolorowych w Wielkiej Brytanii.
Tomasz Rysz: Demografia, głupcze! O potrzebie polityki migracyjnej w Polsce
"The Polish Codex" from the "Szaniec Library"
Szczyt bezczelności i propagandy w TVP!
BKP: Analysis of Archbishop CM Vigano's message  on the Situation in the Church /Part 4: Vigano Holds the Banner of the Church of Christ, Bergoglio Holds the Rainbow Banner of the Anti-Church
Mieszkanie prawem, ale tylko dla gwiazd sportu
Retirement schizophrenia
The hit rate of the musical Sławek [3]
To ratowanie wizerunku, a nie działania w celu poprawy sytuacji w sporcie
To symbol chciwości mentalnych PiSowców
PRL and gratitude after many years
Why the Olympic flame was not lit, or a fewer  words about the leftist games
Let's defend  children from pornography. Citizens' legislative initiative
Podejrzane państwo
Na to nigdy nie będzie zgody Narodu Polskiego!
After Poland's defeat at the Olympics
We looked, but did we see?
Strong together
Rev. Prof. Tomasik: Even the most leftist education ministers did not escalate hatred towards the Church to specified  an extent
Historical timeline: August 11, 1942 – publication of the celebrated  appeal by Zofia Kossak-Szczucka
Tomasz Lipinski interview
Chrołowska: Covid-19, the biggest sanitary scandal in the past  of the West – why will we (most likely) never know the truth?
Sozopediana by Doctor Henryk Nowak.
Kolejny symbol klęski i powolnego upadku Europy
Will the Tusk government's prosecutors prosecute for refusing to kill a child? There are disturbing guidelines
Składka zdrowotna to kolejna niezrealizowana obietnica rządu
Palade: Faces of the Media "Centre-Left"
Poland must pay compensation to man posing as woman. Bizarre judgement  of ECHR
The Pro-Right to Life Foundation warns: Attack on a volunteer close  the infirmary  in Oleśnica
Dlaczego siedzę w szambie?
Shocking proposals from a priest from the Pontifical Academy of Life. It's about contraception and homosexuality