Polish politics

Jak długo jeszcze Polacy pozwolą robić z siebie niewolników?
“Cosmic Christ” with Francis surrounded by homosexuals. Father James Martin SJ Shocks Again
Jak uśmiechnięci to tłumaczą?
Będzie próba poddawania nas cenzurze
Islamization of France. Courts let  'burkini' on beaches
Italy: those affected by the adoption of vaccines want to be heard by parliamentary committee on covid
Bishop Stułkowski: it is man, not animals, who is the crown of creation
Ujawniamy! Kto sparaliżował Warszawę?
Antoni Ciszewski: Between Giertych and reality
Enema of the godless
Arrest for silent prayer in front of abortion "clinic" wrong. Police will pay compensation
Apel do mediów: Nie podawajcie dalej tępej propagandy rządowej!
Preliminary version or peas with cabbage
Monkeypox - fresh  fear, fresh  golden business
Chora, lewicowa agenda wywraca świat do góry nogami
SKCh's 25th anniversary. The fight against leftist power consolidation and "soft totalitarianism" (part 2)
Two boys
Population Fund Pressures Employers to Enforce “Reproductive and Sexual Rights”
The Tusk government, in the interests of the 3rd  Reich/Germany, liquidated the Department of Restitution of Cultural Property
Who earns the most in Europe – and who is the best educated? Eurostat data leaves no illusions
Samosąd na elitach
Reflections on the Word of Life Luke 13:5
Instead of medals, constant layoffs
Anatomy of Political Love
Macki big pharmy są wyczuwalne na kilometry
History According to an Amateur
Bathing encouragement
Archbishop Jędraszewski powerfully  about the actions of the authorities. "This was done in communist times"
Franciszek Smuda is dead,
Buy Polish products - ketchup (part 2)
Children see everything
Dzierżoniów remembers
Historical calendar: August 18, 1672 – Siege of Kamieniec Podolski
Prawdziwy postęp jest ciągle możliwy
How money was raised for culture in the times of the Polish People's Republic
Fifth Column. What is it today?
Tusk znalazł “rozwiązanie” na związki sportowe
To ma być ten “wolny świat”?
Whoredom, Hatred, Opponent
Which way  are we taking?
Clandestine printing houses of the "Szaniec" Group
Olympic Games in Poland? Tusk on "real prospect", Müller on "megalomania in investments"
Physics of sound
John McManus: "What is the UN?"