
New pen needed for yesterday
Hop, siup, change of d... calculates the worst variety
Historical calendar: July 19, 1702 - conflict  of Kliszów
„Aborcja! Tak!” to hasło protestu pod sejmem 23 lipca
Piskorski: Polish Scissors
Czech Republic: Andrej Babiš's right-wing turn, politics without views
In Italy, nationalists increase regional autonomy, and the left defends “national unity”
To defend or not to defend? Here is the question.
Dyrektywa DSM. Senator Grodzki otwarty na propozycje, czyli cała nadzieja w Donaldzie Tusku
“Addendum to the Protocols of Zion”
Quiet, he's a lunatic!
Nie poddajemy się!
Jesteśmy winni naszym wyborcom jak najskuteczniejsze działanie w ich interesie
Electoral jenga and the grassroots movement: what is behind the results of the Labour organization  and the fresh  People's Front?
In front of the committee, the 2  asked: where was the state?
Insolence, artificial teeth and botox, or the complete collapse of the parliamentary committee
Biernacki: Paulina from the Land of a 1000  and 1  Nights
Minister zdrowia nie zajmuje się w ogóle systemem ochrony zdrowia
Zandberg, Trela and Gawkowski in a parallel unfinished dispute over the Left
The far left has won in France
The Left wins in France, but does not have a majority. Nationalists stopped
To złe wiadomości dla Francji i dla Europy
Wynik wyborów we Francji to wielka niespodzianka
The Centre does not compromise. On the ideology of “common sense”
In the clutches of deception
Who is against Poland?
Let democracy win, without democracy or move
The popular class waved their hand to the left around 2005 [talk]
If PiS is the left, then all our concepts lose their meaning (polemic with Rafał Wosi)
Małopolska soap opera, with the president's man in the lead role
Małopolska telenovela, starring the president's man
The impudence of the judaic  ambassador knows no bounds! It was about the banner in Oświęcim
Official results of the French elections. National Union wins!
Visit of O. Scholz to his Polish Gauleiter - D. Tusk...
Match for Honor
Will Le Pen win the French election? What views does the popular French politician have?
Depreciation of Trzaskowski — the study  of the US State Department was not written by the Palestinians!
Weddings and Sundays, so as not to grieve the bishops
Będą łatać “dziurę Domańskiego” kosztem przedsiębiorców
Hand: Miss Rzeszów and immigrants
Z PiS nie mamy żadnej wspólnoty programowej
Megalomania Tuska
Francja: Prezydentura Macrona utorowała Le Pen drogę do władzy
Totals against Piech
New leftist definition of rape voted down. According to the amendment, anyone can be accused
The parliament has passed a fresh  definition of rape. It's a return to russian  methods
The manager  of the MIIWW has enrolled the Ulms and Pilecki in the Law and Justice Party!
Zielonka: Why do politicians not keep their promises? On how democracy loses the race against time
Of course Matysiak had no thought  how it would end
It's hard   to love the Left erstwhile   it's so frivolous