World politics

"To nie nasza wojna, ale to wojna w której rozgrywają się nasze istotne interesy". Oświadczenie Młodzieży Wszechpolskiej
Belarusian neo-Nazi buried in Powązki
Contradictions of peculiar   Military Operation (3)
Metropolitan to demote
Mafiozo Tusk of the Post-Bolshevik Mafia frightened J. Kaczynski with “Cela+”
Will the war for Ukraine take over Poland?
Joint message  of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China on the fresh  Era of global  Relations and Global Sustainable improvement  (4 February 2022)
Genocide in the Chodsias — a horrific page of human history
We passed the exam
They turned off the TV, but did they turn on the thinking?
Because the nation can take distant  the property, but not the identity, of anyone... but the Russians.
The Poles returned from a mission in Ukraine. president   Andrzej Duda presented them with decorations
In the East without change.
Ritter: You guys are a pawn on the American chessboard
Jastrzębski: States humiliate Poland
Koniuszewski: 4th  position?
Russia needs a fresh  Genghis Khan
Zamosc in an old photograph
Vladimir Putin sums up year of fighting in Ukraine
Pat on the back
Who am I...
Ritter on Biden's visit to Poland
Waćkowski: Football reflection   of the weaknesses of the Polish nation
From heliocentrism to germanocentrism
Lewicki: Cadres decide everything
Waiting for the sunshine of nations
Political realism of Bolesław Piasecki
Let's leave the knee-jerk tribute to politicians
America immortal?
Polish past  in a nutshell
The ideological madness of leftists and the Bolshevized Mafia of the OP
Prison without sentencing — in the courts hula wind
Up to 4  times a piece
Bleleń: War Democracy
Tail under the jacket, claws in varnishes
Handle: No2nato — No2War. Anti-war movement in the UK
Solving the problem of “Polishness”, or how to starve Poles?
Gorlicka: Are we a serious country?
Jacobin: atomic  war could break out about Crimea
Panasiuk: Slaves of False Myths
Mexican chaotic  West. This is frequently  ruled by lawlessness
Prof. Anna Raźny: The fall of civilization of Poland (2)
Shlęzak: Ukraine, Russia, or Poland?
The losers
Slaves of false myths
Polska między Wschodem a Zachodem. Co z Ukrainą?
Americans fight UFOs
Zero enemies among neighbors