World politics

Mentalni niewolnicy u władzy
Ukrainian minister threatens Poles! "Ambassador of Ukraine immediately on the carpet to the abroad  Ministry!"
Czech Republic buys Russian gas again
Historical calendar: February 13, 1706 - conflict  of Wschowa
Malazi: Khomeini - the man of God
Pikta: In the resuscitation ward in Donetsk (part 1)
Gray Cardinals.
O czym nam mówi ten wywiad?
"Rosja Władimira Putina: Idealne przeciwieństwo dla Osi Anglo-Amerykańskiej i ich Nowego Porządku Świata"
Niszczenie polskości przez Sowietów i Niemców z deportacjami w tle...
"Dwie piąte gabinetu Keira Starmera było finansowane przez proizraelskich lobbystów."
Kochać, czy nie kochać Putina?
""Wielki reset" już tu jest: Podążaj za pieniędzmi. "Szalona blokada" światowej gospodarki, "Zielona agenda""
Jacek Wilk: Polityka i moralność
Szlęzak: Chcemy wojny z Rosją?
Putin and the Polish Ministry of abroad  Affairs on history
Lewicki: The Peasants' War 2024
"The game  Thickens: Exploring the function  of the CIA and the Rockefeller Foundation in the Forecast of ..........................."
"Britain Steps Up War on Whistleblower Journalism with fresh  National safety  Bill."
From the dictatorship of the ignorant to the ignorant "enlightened" ...
Bleach: Battered Memory
"SERVANTS OF THE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE" – version of the Civic Platform
"Finnair will start WEIGHING PASSENGERS with their baggage"
"Organizations that make up the UN planet  Government System"
"Meta Deletes Iran's ultimate  Leader Khamenei's Instagram and Facebook Accounts"
„Die Weltwoche”: Niemcy na skraju upadku
Blocking Sahra Wagenknecht
Korab-Karpowicz: Jesus and Hanukkah
Anna Bryłka consecutive  from the mediate  of agricultural protests
T.Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin
SCANDAL! Ukrainians destroyed the Polish military cemetery in Brody
"The BRICS Agenda and the 'Western Empire' Agenda Are THE SAME Agenda"
"Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin." (video)
Stephen Volk - "How Commies Castrated Western Men"
"Tucker and Putin avoided grossly crucial  topics"
"EU bends the knee to farmers: scraps key provisions in 2040 climate proposal"
"U.S. warns of imminent Israeli attack on Rafah, a refugee-filled city" (video)
"The Geopolitics of planet  War III"
Who is General Aleksander Syrsky – the fresh  Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Army?
Thank you Radek, czyli dyplomacja dyktatora Tuska
Dugin: Last Chance
Piskorski's calmness versus Sekielski's phobias
Emmanuel Todd: “The Defeat of the West”
New average  Reich v. CJ Hopkins
JKM: How we were hated by the Russians
Krach na horyzoncie a Gauleiter na urlopie…
Prezydent Andrzej Duda rozpoczął wizytę w Rwandzie
“Israel vs. Hezbollah: A fresh  war will engulf the full  mediate  East”
“Chile burned to the ground: “It's Maui again!"” (video)
Dynamic inflation of law and corruption — attributes of democracy IIIRP/Polin