World politics

Effects of Westernization
Winnicki: Rosja pozostaje egzystencjalnym zagrożeniem dla Polski
Prof. Anna Raźny: The fall of civilization of Poland
Prof Mearsheimer: “It is the West that is guilty of the outbreak of war in Ukraine.”
Historical stories by Bogusław Voloshański
Jan Engelgard: Stalingrad
Agnieszka Fotyga calls for Russia to be broken up
Anna Fotyga calls for Russia to be broken up
Gorlicka: A Word on the Surveillance Act
Long Island Mythomaniac. Career of MP Santos
Poles regain their minds
Stream of life-giving messages
From Negro to hangover, or who does Radoslaw Sikorski make a cane to?
Szlęzak: Faces of Totality
The planet  will not leave Ukraine
Antoniak: large  Anniversary and a fewer  Reflections
Handout: Has Russia already won a atomic  war?
Petr Pavel wybrany na nowego prezydenta Czech
Piskorski: No ideas for Ukraine
Barbarossa - Militärische Sonderoperation 1941
Petr Pavel is the fresh  president   of the Czech Republic. It will strengthen the democratic camp of the Visegrad Group
Jastrzębski: Who needs Poland?
They don't want to die for the monuments of Bandera
Dugin: Obligatory to come to Gdansk
Viktor Orban: West is at war with Russia
Victorious wars with the Huns
The longer the war goes on, the better the business
Polacy, Litwini, Białorusini i Ukraińcy walczyli w powstaniu styczniowym o zrzucenie rosyjskich kajdan
Sergei Andreyev: We are prepared for any scenario
First tanks, then atomic weapons
Lions - image   of a lost city
Zelensky destroys Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Lasecki: Political crisis in Peru
Confessions of a man-eaters. Polish-speaking Russians proceed  to attack
Engelgard: The 'New' past  of the January Uprising
Handle: erstwhile   Energy War (1973), or non-existent crises
On the paranoia of the Jagiellonian Visions and Bartosiac Visions
Małgorzata Bratek: seen from the train window
Melnyk's rudeness and the US diktat
Correspondence from Norway: I am a Ruthenian onuca
German tanks in the East again?
Radosław Sikorski: from Oxfordczyk to Lavrowczyk...
Sikorski's scandalous words regarding the partition of Ukraine!
Miracle on the vistula — conflict  of warsaw
Handout: erstwhile   energy war, or non-existent crises
Meyssan: The twilight of global  tribunals
Golla: Germany - Common Sense vs. the System
Only Berlin resists Americans' diktat
Kandydat na prezydenta Czech: w przypadku agresji na Polskę nie udzielimy pomocy
The charm of the large  Reset passes