World politics

Przywitaj się z diabłem, czyli gra w Grammy
Lula is moving into the world
Gorlicka: Sanctions as an inhumane measure
Blisko milion Francuzów protestuje przeciwko reformie emerytalnej
Dugin: The Metaphysics of Misfortune
Golla: Conservatism unnecessary?
Handout: Latvia — a false friend
Handout: Romanian Lands Taken
Jacek Frankowski: Davos 2023
The war in Ukraine is losing to global  business!
Arabic connector
Contradictions of peculiar   Military Operation (2)
Prezes UOKiK stawia zarzuty Auchaun i Intermarche
Terrorism made in Poland
Rosyjski deficyt budżetowy jest wielokrotnie większy niż rok temu
War - the only program of full   opposition!
Departament Stanu USA zgodził się sprzedać Polsce wyrzutnie Himars
Conversations in the sauna
Without Poles, there would be no Novorossiya
Hagmajer: How Serbia is reborn with cooperation with the PRC
Wołyń we "Wspomnieniach Ocalonego"
I'm not defending Poczobut
Russia — a real threat or a paper tiger?
Jastrzębski: Censorship and Murdism
Robert Fico: 'I number  on Orban's support'
Pyongyang has emboldened South Korea
Szczęśniak: Russia after a year of economical  war
Czecho-Slovak liberal axis against Hungary
Who dreams of partition of Russia seeks atomic war
Andrzej Poczobut skazany przez białoruski sąd
Jordan Peterson massacres the planet  economical  Forum and the agenda of globalists: YOU WANT ONLY 500 MILLION PEOPLE IN THE WORLD!
Krakow Uprising 1846, or the grotesque theatre
Kadyrov, PIS-ism and Polish Silesia
Zwierzchnik polskiej Cerkwi przeprasza za list do Cyryla
Roger Waters: I'm more open to proceeding  what Putin is truly  saying.
Imperialisms are different
Letter to Ursula von der Leyen
W przeciągu roku ubyło pół miliona Rosjan
Piskorski: A hegemon made into a balloon
Prigożyn calls Zelenski to a duel in the skies
Sachs: It was the White home  that led to war
Hand: Dimitriada, or how PiS dismantles Russia
Petr Pavel to bury the Visegrad Group?
Will Serbia yet    lose Kosovo and Metohije?
Orban to Ukrainians: Come on, Russia will win
Hołd PiSowski na Krakowskim Rynku
Graban: Western Cultural Unification and Its economical  Consequences
Ursula in Ukraine with a cagank of progressive education...
Emir Kusturica: West wants to set fire to the Balkans, Europe is in large  danger
Szczęśniak: Gas winner of the Ukrainian war