World politics

Nuclear weapons in Belarus
Trips of young Jews to Poland will return. Has the Polish government tipped its tail again?
Jalta 1945 — Polish victory
How do you do activism without pissing off the guys?
Lasecki: People's Conservatism
Wszystkie umowy kredytowe we frankach szwajcarskich podlegają egzekucji z odszkodowaniem za łamanie praw ludzkich a winni do ukarania !
Raźny: Walls of Polish hostility
Why are Russian “neutral” athletes the same “green people” who occupied Crimea?
Wall behind miners
U.S.-China “war” for human rights
The power of workers against the power of dictators
R. Wicherek: Dirty Work Economists and Colorful Revolutions, or the Plague of Our World
J. Matysiak from the USA: America at the crossroads
Gorlicka: What is the Russian-Chinese alliance?
Handle: Ruska baba, or what next?
Zinkiewicz: Cooking a live frog...
Polyomski: Liberal Democracy, Iilliberal Democracy and Democratization. Glosa to the Russian-Chinese message  of February 4, 2022
Polish-Ukrainian Union Getting Closer? “It would become the second largest country in the EU”
Israel's prime minister held back by crowds of protesters. Wants to halt judicial reform
Correspondence from Norway: towards a Nordic state
How Russian oil has eluded the rebuke
Why are there so many pacifists in Italy all of a sudden?
Radzikowski: Roots of March 68
Escalation ladder
Jak Unia Europejska razem z PiS zniszczyła polską branżę transportową?
Hot Years of the Cold War 1945-1965
New division of the slavs — fresh  division of slavs
Andreotti, or old Italy
U.N. Report: Ukraine Violated Prisoner of War Rights
Hillary Clinton: Ukraine conflict shows climate change is primarily about women
The European capital of reason
Let us remember the destiny  of the Serbs
Attack of “OUN-UPA heroes” on the vicinity of Ossa on the Swojczowska Land in Volhynia
Since erstwhile   did Tusk's “aunts”?
Rcchiladze: For Georgians, Kaczynski is no hero
We have common interests
Xi Jinping: On the eve of the beginning  of a fresh  chapter of Sino-Russian friendship, cooperation and joint development
Important visit of Israeli abroad  Minister Eli Cohen to Poland!
Golla: Germany is arming
In the Shadow of War
Britain wants atomic annihilation?
“Goudomor” like Holodomor, or hypersensitivity in Ukrainian
Ukraine fights Orthodoxy
Democracy as a weapon. Global Times on 20th Anniversary of American Aggression on Iraq
Polyomski: Putin and Putinization
Important, although symbolic decision
Twilight of the hegemon
President Xi Jinping in Moscow