World politics

Payouts have started. How much money will you get in your account
Guru of the coalition of suicidal people the Prime Minister of Poland!
ECHR's pilot judgement  in Walesa case completely undermines neo-KRS and neo-judges' rulings
There is simply a wicket that could trigger a personnel tsunami in courts occupied by neo-judges
Distribution of Social safety  funds after divorce - key information
Spies, venalists and the Ukrainian question
On the dark night of December 13,...
„Zespół niespokojnego odbytu”. „Naukowcy” odkryli nowe powikłania po COVID-19
Braun po ugaszeniu żydowskiego świecznika przemawia w Sejmie: Nie dla „rasistowskiego, plemiennego, dzikiego kultu”
Czystki etniczne w Europie. Złote myśli E. Michael Jones
ETPCz nakazał Polsce uregulowanie prawa w zakresie związków partnerskich osób tej samej płci
Krystyna Pawłowicz upokorzyła go. Maciej Musiał zaczął się bronić wiarą
Wypłacasz pieniądze z bankomatów? Uważaj, od dzisiaj możesz za to zapłacić dodatkowo
ZARA usunęła kontrowersyjne reklamy ze strony głównej serwisu
Policja przerywa milczenie w sprawie Maksymiliana F. „Nie ma policji”
"Terror pod fałszywą flagą jest najstarszą sztuczką w ..............."
"Reference was made to the UN General Assembly Resolution 'United for Peace'."
Piotr Gliński from the Law and Justice organization  interrupted the exposé of Donald Tusk. Hołownia reacted quickly
"Wind turbines in Scotland are secretly utilizing generators powered by 'fossil fuels'"
How did we fight communism with words?
New fee for single-use plastic. circumstantial  rates from January 1, 2024 are given
Compensation for mobbing must be satisfactory
Determination of a 12-month working time settlement period
Biernacki: The Martyrdom of Agnieszka Romaszewska
Biernacki: The Fall – The Beginning of the End
Zinkiewicz: Trophy
Things are bad in journalism
Early retirement. It is possible to receive the money earlier
The end of the PiS government and Mateusz Morawiecki. The Sejm rejected the vote of confidence
TVP's "News" will have a fresh  boss. It will be a popular writer  from another station
Bonus for the holidays 2023. erstwhile   is the payout?
OLX was misleading?! The site can get a hefty penalty. The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection initiated proceedings
The Przyłębska Tribunal ruled that the penalties imposed on Poland by the CJEU are unconstitutional
Session of the Sejm on December 11 [LIVE BROADCAST]
800+ payout term. It is known erstwhile   transfers start
Golden Thoughts by E. Michael Jones. "Polish airmen are psychopaths!"
The EU is introducing a fresh  ban. As a result, Poles will spend a luck  on changing the heating system
From 1 January 2024, fresh  regulations for drivers. Penalties go up
Pavlovich got a fast  retort to her next coarse and boorish post posted on platform X
Entrepreneurs have quite a few expectations from the fresh  government
"Richer countries are seeking to catch  large swaths of land in Africa as 'carbon credits' to offset their own carbon emissions – it's a colossal fraud"
The Finnish Ministry of abroad  Affairs' study  on the Åland Islands – what does it mean?
WHO chief calls humanitarian aid executive committee resolution on Gaza unworkable
The Polish Post has provided information on the control of RTV subscriptions
The pandemic expert is scaring again. "The Elders May Not Succeed"
Lidlomix in a fresh  promotion from Monday. Even a fewer  100  zlotys cheaper
There was no scale in the breathalyser. The police were shocked
Książulo visited the Christmas marketplace  in Gdansk. What he saw amazed  him
The subject  of introducing the work   to cover the mouth and nose with masks is coming back