Polish politics

Is the highest  of genderism behind us? P. Holocher and R. Patlewicz LIVE
The Left will not agree to a simplification  in wellness  insurance contributions – we will lie with Rejtan!
Despite the war, Ukraine wants to export weapons. There is no shortage of willing people
Common sins
Immigrants Raised Hell in German Schools
Illegal stay, deficiency  of authorization, fake driving licenses. The effects of driver checks "on the app"
Archbishop of Toulouse to Consecrate His Diocese to the Sacred Heart: "We Do Not Play with Satan with Impunity"
“Nie ma śladów logowania”. Fikcyjne zatrudnienia, prezes PKO BP ujawnia
Cardinal-elect criticizes the Church in Europe, but he himself… introduces regular masses for LGBT people
The legislature  adopted a resolution on the 40th anniversary of the death of Blessed Father Jerzy Popiełuszko
The Smiling Ones are presently  missing members of parliament in the Sejm, so Hołownia does not want to hold votes
“Wojna nigdy nie była tak blisko”. Szef MON o słowach gen. Kukuły
Italian parliamentary committee begins hearings into abuses during 'pandemic'
Mieszkańcy Wrocławia mają problem. “Są wszędzie, choćby w pralce”
Ukraińska zbrojeniówka chce zdobyć świat. To szansa dla Polski, ale brakuje strategii
Cardinal Hollerich: The Church is like a pyramid, it should be changed
Scandal Surrounding the Synod. Bisexual Lectures Catholics, Cardinal Prays for the Conversion of… the Church
There is no majority to bring Glapiński before the State Tribunal
Afghan Man Planned Election Day Terrorist Attack ‘On Crowds of People’ Detained by FBI
If not through the door, then through the window. More organization  members at the trough
Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP
It was he who lit the first light at the Tabernacle. What do the walls of Jędrzejów hide?
Sweet baby
Popular Austrian theologian calls for breakthrough: 'end of church for priests'
This is how you do "synodalism". Conference in Katowice, partners organizations from Germany
Spain: More and more women are killing their own children
Feminists on the Margins of the Synod: They Protest, Simulate Ordinations…
They will compose  the final paper  of the Synod on Synodality. We know the composition of the commission
“A day without children” at the Łódź Aquapark. I will add a fewer  sentences on the matter
The faithful of the Archdiocese of Krakow aid  flood victims. Large scale of support
Leftist… Harry Potter?
MSWiA: Ban on carrying weapons in Kraków and Wieliczka. Check it out!
Schizophrenia of the leftist media. "Fetuses" to be killed with impunity or... "unborn babies"
„Gdzieś mieszkać trzeba”
For independency  - a continuous effort
“5 mld zł straty”. Rozliczają rządy Obajtka w Orlenie. Są wyniki audytów
Burza wokół premiery filmu “Rust” w Polsce. Chodzi o Baldwina i tragiczny wypadek na planie
Poznań: Archbishop Gądecki to service  as diocesan bishop until his successor is appointed
MEN spokesperson  responds to Cardinal Nycz on compulsory religion. What did he say?
Sex education in "snus"? Is this how Nowacka's ministry wants to combat this dangerous drug among Polish youth?
Uderzył w szefa MON. Generał zniesmaczony: niewarte komentarza
Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz made a pledge to commemorate the genocide in Volhynia
Krytyczna sytuacja na dwóch kluczowych polskich lotniskach. Minister mówi o włączeniu się wojska
The government blames local governments, and local governments throw up their hands. Flood exposes the state's decay
Smoke detectors. "Who lobbied this so beautifully?!"
Historical Calendar: October 8, 1656 – conflict  of Prostki