Polish politics

Ukrainians are softening. Will exhumations begin in Volhynia?
We check how Germany sends us migrants!
Infantilism (Paidocracy)
The left in government wants to "educate for sobriety". What about the plague of drugs?
Antoni Ciszewski: Eat a barrel of salt
Cardinal Grech inaugurates Synod: the full  Church wants reform. It will be determined by "universal consensus"
Trzeba było się ubezpieczać?
Children of Securitate officers
The decline of education
"Modern" human trafficking in Paris. The alleged  children's fair took place in the French capital
Let's clean up the national Pantheon
Mentzen grills – alkotubki
The Transformation of the Church in Spain: From Conservatism to Francis' Progressive Revolution
Ombudsman for (selected) Children’s Rights?
Bartłomiej Zindulski: Zagrożenie ekstremizmem AfD i lewicowa alternatywa BSW
It's only Wednesday, and already so many smiles from the smiling ones :)
Someone here wants to usage  people with disabilities politically
The Council of Europe calls for the legalization of prostitution as "sexual services". Ordo Iuris: an attack on women's dignity!
Filip Obara: Is the pathology of alco-tubes a deliberate provocation of the government in Warsaw?
Will abortionists teach about wellness  in Polish schools?
Bishop Athanasius Schneider in Warsaw. He will take part in the Debate on the State of Faith
Swiss attack on family. They lost a kid  due to the fact that they opposed "gender change"
Prosecutor's Office investigates nine-year-old online entry
Ukrainian and Tajik arrested for shooting at Warsaw bazaar
Education is being stirred up again
The government did not want to supply  relief to entrepreneurs affected by the flood
Drowning Tusk grabs Owsiak? [Warzecha, Woś, Karpiel]
W kwestii aborcji bez zmian
Konfederacja składa poprawki do specustawy
Składamy poprawki do specustawy
Globaliści żądają „mniej białej” Europy
Patologia i nadużycia! Nie mieszkali w Polsce, a pobierali 800+
Potęga Chin - polecam
Spotkania z Anną Bryłką
Powrót „latającej tawerny”? Chesterton przewidział islamizację brytyjskich praw
Kalendarium historyczne: 1 października 1626 – bitwa pod Gniewem
O dyskryminacji większości