Polish politics

No 1  can be denied humanity! An crucial  appeal from the Institute of Pro-Life Thought
Historical timeline: October 15, 1978 – Marek Kotański founded MONAR
Łukasz Warzecha: An anonymous justice  and a hymn of praise for climate activists
Estonian media: Tusk's government tightens asylum policy more than its "right-wing" predecessors
Australia: Bishop against tyrannical tendencies of progressives. "Equity Act" a threat to the Church
ODSŁONIĘTE: Tajne podziemne tunele pod Florydą! Ukryta sieć pod miastem Ybor, której nigdy nie miałeś odkryć – wideo
Afghanistan: Media portrayal of surviving  beings will be banned. This is the wisdom of Islam
Lewicki: Healthcare crisis in Germany. Poland is heading in the same direction
Rękas: The End of Coal?
Stasi officer kills Pole. Years later he will be behind bars
The Pope met with neo-Lysenkoism activists
50 Years of Turmoil: The Church's "Dialogue" with Judaism and Islam Has Been Going on for Decades
Ukryta sieć amerykańskich podziemnych miast, tajnych baz i kontrolowanych przez rząd systemów tuneli.
Eco-madness in Polish court. "Last Generation" gets the lowest punishment  due to the fact that it could "turn out to be heroic"
Minister of National Defense: Construction of the East Shield's fortification elements will begin in 2024
Another church fire. 1  of the oldest temples in Chile burned down
With Poland in mind
Cardinal Steiner on Women's Diaconate: "Why Not?"
Personal assistant for… immigrant! These are the ideas that Tusk’s government wants to implement!
Can PiS return to power?! Fierce dispute between Ziemkiewicz and Woś [WATCH]
Attention! I'm changing my nick!!!!!
“Mowa nienawiści” a Wolność Człowieka  i działalność urzędników państwowych
Wyborcza: Christopher Columbus was a Jew
Pociski na wagę złota. Polska musi wykonać wielki skok. Jest deklaracja giganta
Prawa człowieka są dla frajerów
Church Ruled by Synods with sex  Quotas: Influential Canon lawyer   Demands Change
The AI revolution will make immigrants unnecessary and a problem
The illusion that the kid  has a decision to make.
Syria: Only 650 Christians stay  in Idlib Province
Nieznane kulisy władzy PiS. “Kaczyński spytał Szydło, czy chciałaby wrócić”
Amy Gallagher - "Are Mad Women Destroying the West?"
Smile is health
Healthcare is simply a trade in death - if you don't have money, you die
From the memories of the dilettante Iza
A clear NO.
Climate change and the Bytom swamp
Poland is falling, substitute topics are needed (alcohol tubes, gold train, wage  of the NBP president)
Rekas: Iran vs. Zionists
Wealthy Jews are starting to flee Israel
France: Montpellier mayor refuses to hold ceremony at city hall due to the fact that participants broke traffic rules
Welcome to my stall with rhyming products
Pope Meets with LGBT 'Transgender' Activists, Their Shocking request  for alleged  'Gender Change' Learned
Zaczyna się wojna domowa w USA: Białe i Czerwone Kapelusze tworzą Koalicję, aby zakończyć FEMA
The gayization of neo-Corvinists