Polish politics

Diabetic ellipse  in Sokołów
Anna Bryłka on the formation of the government and the specifics of the KO
Czech Republic: Violent Gypsy Protests · Global Voices
“Let's defend  our heritage together!”
Piotr Ciszewski: Kraków 1923 - powstanie czy zamieszki?
Poland can get out of it!
Przyborska: School without crosses will be more fun
“Clare Kuehn, was Paul McCartney murdered for opposing real power?”
“David Icke — Exposing the Illuminati and the Satanic Government and That's Why He Was Censored!” (video)
Adam Bodnar in the “Rule of Law” Rage
Left, get free  of our wallets, our lives and our businesses!
Poland will be forced to adopt the euro!
Przemysław Wipler on liberalisation of abortion law
Will Bill Gates face life behind bars for kid  molestation charges? : His controversial links with Epstein could return to bite him where it hurts "(video)
Anna Bryłka invites you to the independency  March
Dudek: The biggest analogy between PiS government and PRL is tv   propaganda
Babel: author  without fate, master in the genre of silence
Choking Reflections
Our rights
Jolanta Żołnierczyk returned to work by the court!
Marcin Rola responds to the attack by Szczerba and Terlikowski regarding wReal24 [VIDEO]
On November 6, carriers will block the border with Ukraine again!
3 ways for a cemetery waste revolution
„Zdrowy rozsądek” was wykończy
IMPORTANT! Poland may retreat  from this agreement with the European Union!
Anti-Semitism in Dagestan: "Israel has already lost the information war"
The extraordinary universe of TVP commentators. They are the ones who defend "freedom of speech"
This was the memory of an extraordinary woman
Poland urgently needs a demographic strategy
“They will take everything from you.” Documentary movie  about limiting freedom [VIDEO]
Zaganianie do kieratu
They promised Poles golden mountains without knowing the condition of public finances
Xavier Woliński: Siedząc okrakiem na płocie
Krul without a crown again. What's next for the Confederation?
The Church needs war. He knows he will win
Spekulanci śmiercią.  Gdzie zaczyna się droga do Lampedusy?
Cisi bohaterowie podniebnych marzeń na Wojskowych Powązkach