Polish politics

Professional athletics  — a bottomless hole?
Koniuszewski: Roma
Eviction of great-grandmothers
US: Are pro-life organizations a terrorist threat? Shocking photograph  leaked from the briefing of US soldiers
France: Muslim Breaks Down Church Door and Destroys Temple
Partactwo i fuszera
BKP: Are the church penalties CIC issued by Bergoglio valid? NO!
Ryszard Filipski was born 90 years ago
“The past  of relations with Ukrainians is simply a massacre of Poles respective  times.” Debate after the screening of the 1st episode of Jacek Międlar's movie  [VIDEO]
Transhumanism and Christianity
March on the 81st anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Rzeszów! Speeches by Dr. Kulińska, Sokołowska, Międlar and Korczarowski [VIDEO]
Spitsbergen in AI images
Wojny kulturowe prawicy
Slavoj Żiżek: Widmo neofaszyzmu krąży nad Europą. Co robić?
Kto to jest w ogóle poseł?
Bloody Sunday
Aborcja, granica, wkurw. Nowy podcast
Bishop Przyborek: the number of pilgrims is decreasing. They are left to you who care more
Historical calendar: July 14, 1787 — the beginning of the communicative   of Jakub Šela
Islamic panic  in Nigeria. 8,000 Christians were killed in the country last year.
The War for the Soul of the Left
An emotional debate in Warsaw after the premiere of the 1st episode of Jacek Międlar's movie  about the Ukrainian genocide against Poles [VIDEO]
Kraków, Jelcz-Laskowice, Nysa, Rzeszów: screening of Jacek Międlar's movie  about the Ukrainian genocide against Poles
Who hired the “youngest female journalist” and allowed accreditation, blatantly breaking the law?
Giertych has not changed. Sejm against abortion
A march commemorating Bloody Sunday passed through Przemyśl [+FOTO]
Romanovsky without immunity. Time for a fresh  Conservative Party
Krakow March of Silence
Rząd uderza w prawa rodzicielskie!
Tusk's settlement with Zelensky.
Bezkarność służb i półnadzy szeryfowie
The politician on the radio said something surprising: that he did not know
You are not alone
Massacre of Poles in Volhynia.
Pamiętamy o ofierze krwi zapłaconej przez Polaków na Wołyniu
Kwiaty Wołynia
Konföderation. Alternative für Deutschland
There is no statute of limitations
“Women have lost their balance - the nurse”
The 81st anniversary of the crime in Volhynia. Thousands of victims cry for memory and dignified burial
Five beers from the Mentzen brewery
Tusk złamał Konstytucję?
Jasna Góra: spiritual   Adoption of a kid  Conceived as a Salvation for the World
Tusk świętuje z Putinem!
BKP: Fabricated trial with Archbishop C. M. Vigan rips masks from hidden enemies of Christ