Polish politics

Yes to the CPK
Polish historical policy – a school of lying to oneself and others
We are fighting the full  media ecosystem
Deputy Minister of Infrastructure: Germany is not curious  in building a High-Speed Rail from Berlin to Poznań
Trzaskowski is ignorant! Flat-Earther communication
Sabotage of 1939?
Acquittals in the execution  trial of the Jaroszewicz couple
The "Civic" coalition wants to rapidly  throw distant  the ... citizens' bill on the CPK
A large  demonstration of parents and teachers on 1 December in Warsaw
Starvation of wellness  care continues
This is how we work
"The left wanted to outplay us, but it tripped over its own feet"
Mariusz Dzierżawski reveals Nowacka's plan! It is about the hard   compulsion of sexual depravity
Is it Telewizja Republika that chooses PiS's candidate?
Polish bishops: The Ministry of National Education violates the rights of parents, ignores the law and threatens the improvement  of children
The alleged  wellness  education: the end of consultations on a demoralizing subject. shortly  a protest of household  organizations
Meetings with Sławomir Mentzen
Beat Masha [about Maria Anna Potocka's performance]
What would St. Cecilia say present  about the state of church music in Poland?
"In Warsaw, my wife will no longer be able to commute to work by car"
Jan Pospieszalski: all the "dogmas" accepted during the pandemic as a technological  consensus turned out to be untrue!
Francis calls for the survey  of the "dark moments" of the Church's history. He is fed up with the "angelic vision" of the past
Little Bear Reserve and its Guardians
The Left has a plan to heal healthcare!
Logika biurokracji
"Poland 2050 acts against the defence  interests of the Polish state!"
President of Ordo Iuris: the day of the decisive conflict  for the innocence of Polish children has come
"This bill should be called the Fred Flintstone Act"
The synodal spirit enveloped the patrolog. The end of the persecution is... enslavement of the Church?!
" What Isaiah Explains "
"risks and consequences of utilizing crack and keygen for autocad 2019 and legal alternatives for activation"
The government failed the flood test! Neither during it nor after it
Bishops at Jasna Góra. What did they decide? OUR COMMENT
We were not told to apologize
Thailand counts on 4 million additional tourists. The reason? Legalization of same-sex pseudo-marriages
"Isaiah explains ....w supremacy and the NWO"
Historical calendar: November 20, 1964 - the alleged  "meat scandal."
Mayan rite and the future of liturgy in Poland
"Stop Drug Pornography" - signature collection is underway to restrict children's access to pornography on the Internet
Zwycięstwo „Atlasu Nienawiści”
"Leftist ignorance wants to replace average  education with leftist whims"
Chmielewski: Barbara Nowacka wants to corrupt children due to the fact that the EU ordered her to do so
Longer maternity leave for parents of premature babies
Historical timeline: November 19, 1557 – execution  of Queen Bona
Be the voice of the demands and will of thousands of parents! An crucial  appeal of the Coalition to Save the Polish School
Optical illusions
Three Foreigners Integration Centers will cost 40 million PLN!