
Historical timeline: December 14, 1970 – beginning of strikes on the Coast
Mass or Sculpture? Kwaśniewski, Social Democracy and the 1995 Presidential Elections [Interview with Sutowski]
Acemoglu: How American Democracy Collapsed
One is smarter than the other
Ostrow Energy
Lewicki: A year of Tusk's regulation  - voter assessment and prospects for its continuation
How I Became Orthodox
Adam Niedzielski sentenced for disclosing doctor's data. Prosecutor's office will not appeal
"Are we normal? Quo Vadis, Poland?"
Scandalous text of the cardinal. He attacks Catholics who kneel for Holy Communion
The destiny  of Syria hangs in the balance. The decision will be made at a gathering  of planet  diplomats in Jordan
Poland under water (Sozopol)
Scandals at the Catholic University of Lublin. What was prof.  Zbigniew Izdebski doing there?
France has a fresh  prime minister. Macron received the oath from his political ally
Nancy Pelosi Appeals to Vatican. Abortionist Wants Holy Communion
Volodymyr Zelensky
Stanisław Michalkiewicz: Anxiety and delirious states