World politics

Historical timeline: October 17, 1830 – the Tsar announces mobilization to fight the counter-revolution
America's Undecided States: Why Are They So Important?
Unipolar Mania. Tusk's Problem or the Nation's Problem?
Polish diplomacy – how much has NOT changed
Foreigner (dis)integration centers. Migrant centers to be run by a foundation opposed to border protection
Regain control. guarantee  safety. keep  humanity!
Markiewka: If Democrats Caused a Hurricane, We Have a Problem
Tusk doesn't want to halt  mass immigration!
USA: Demokraci torują drogę do obierania dzieci rodzicom nieakceptującym „płci kulturowej”
EC implements strategy   to combat anti-Semitism and ‘support judaic  life’, first study  published
Politico: Harris' pro-Ukrainian communicative  failed to convince Polonia. Will Poles support Trump?
R. Wicherek: Trump is besides  a bad choice
Antoni Ciszewski: Where there is seriousness, discipline and order
Dating with a book or what a Kabbalah!
Golla: Prediction of the Fall of the West
Zinkiewicz: Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Army warns!
Yossi Gurwitz - "What Dooms Humanity" (video)
October 14 – "What the United States Has Become"
Prime Minister Victor Orban thanked the Confederation's MEPs
Money, Death and Satan - The Assassination of the Last Tsar of Russia
Dollar supremacy and Russian assets
Jews usage  Palestinians as “human shields”
Fahrenheit 451° – or Man in the “Post-Reader” Era
Russia-Ukraine War. study  14.10.2024
Historical calendar: October 14, 1773 – establishment of the National Education Commission
About Ukraine, Russia and alleged negotiations
Elon Musk's Hypocrisy
Remembering the soldiers from the east – on the Lenino anniversary we callback  the text from 2011
October 12 – "Who held humanity hostage"
Mike Stone -"Are American Men Brainwashed Pussies?"
A gigantic wave of desertions from the Ukrainian army
Bishop Athanasius Schneider is the laureate of the Father Piotr Skarga Award
I had to wait 9 years for this album…
Russia-Ukraine War. study  12/10/2024
Ursula von der Leyen fled from Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik
Historical timeline: October 12, 1736 – Michał Poniatowski is born
Whites should not reproduce. Europe should be more colorful.
EU court tries to impose on states the work   to admit   abroad  "gender change" procedures
Hungary may hold  $50bn G7 debt  to Ukraine until US elections
Taxes should be low and simple and this budget rejected!
Jewish Nazis shelled the office  of the Polish-Irish UNIFIL mission battalion in Lebanon
Stanisław Michalkiewicz: Behind the scenes of pupation
Coming out of an old actor
The European Union wants to destruct  Polish agriculture!
"October 10 – Who has to say "exclude me""
War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Extermination: The Devastating UN study  on Israel's Actions in Gaza
Historical calendar: October 11, 1916 – birth of Antoni Heda “Szary”
USA: 'Catholic' organizations active  in run  for Harris-Walz