World politics

Lasecki: Failed coup in Brazil
Bogusław Oct: Disappearing Ukraine
Muzułmanin walczy z "islamofobią" w OMZRiK. Wychwala rewolucję islamską, sandanistów i gen. Franco
Radzikowski: And you will become a “cat”
'Magyar Hirlap': Ukraine stabbed Hungary in the back
Graban: Is it truly  the twilight of the West?
Marxism — Western poison killing Eurasia
Bleach: “connective” wars
The beginning of the “Tempest” in Volhynia
Gorlicka: Ukrainian social order in Poland
Jankovsky: knowing  The Specificity Of Russian Resentment
The President's Last Dog
Handle: Russo-Ukrainian War. Winners and losers of the year 2022
Vilnius in the days of the breakthrough (1918/1919)
Modzelewski: Professional politicians would have ended this war a long time ago
Polish “elites” from the anointing of Klaus Schwab
Are we facing an escalation of the war...?
The decent people
White: The Ukrainians have already lost this war
Perverse federalism
Goodbye to 2022 year...
100 years ago, the USSR was founded — Russia's enemy
Braun's Interpellation and Żaryn's “Answer”
Balcerowicz to Braun: you represent a moral-intellectual cheesy
Radwan Loutfi: In Syria we love Poland
Piskorski: a biography of Putin without emotion
Polyomski matrimony  Talks: German Dream of Empire
Wielkopolska Uprising 1919 — a glorious exception to the bad rule
Iwicki: The Breath of Western Music
Third Republic of Poland — are we waiting for a repeat of the 18th century?
Golla: 4th  Reich, or media show?
War in Ukraine — November 2022
“Winter Holidays,” though not yet rainbow
Orban: Hungary is not for sale
Night forest, flashlights cut the darkness. Here's the Christmas vibe according to the Border Patrol
Ukazał się 27. numer „Polityki Narodowej”
Quiet night, holy night...
Koniuszewski: The Age of Warring Kingdoms
Mentality of eternal losers
Belarus extends visa-free travel for 2023
Danek: spiritual   Culture of Positivism
Ukrainian blood is on the hands of US and UK leaders
Bieleń: The large  sadness of the OSCE
Meeting with Dr. Leszek Sykulski
Why go back to the moon?
Golla: nevertheless  Schneidemühl
Prof. Anna Raźny: More about Dugin
Piskorski: the legend of the neofolk in the version for the parquet
Gorlicka: actual  protection of life from conception until death