World politics

Jankovsky: Moscow does not believe war
Deferred suicide
The government has developed the financial engineering of putting debt out of budget.
Who incited?
Golla: Friedrich Merz — the CDU's green-conservative “savior”
Dugin: Wars of Chaos
Jankowski: Hermaszewski must have died
Iwicki: the power of folk
Where did the Turks in Iran come from?
Handout: Western co-responsibility for the war in Ukraine
Tajwańska firma TSMC buduje fabrykę czipów w USA
Handle: The co-responsibility of the West for the war in Ukraine. Benjamin Abelov Book Review
The Church — the real creator of European civilization
Domniemany rosyjski agent zatrzymany w Warszawie brał udział w likwidacji WSI
In a mafia state, the government is tottering. A fan of Orbán and Putin can win
Elon Musk is fueling right-wing paranoia
Piwar: Gentlemen of Life and Death
Szczęśniak: Energy decommunization of Ukraine
Poland is not independent
Hand: Freeland. Melnykov's granddaughter is NATO secretary general?
Handpiece: doctrine  of Rocket Artillery
PiS State — the State of Wasted Opportunities
France is reducing flights more and more and has the support of the EU. erstwhile   are bans in another  countries?
Piskorski: Black, cold gap  on map of Europe
Golla: GDR and PRL — 2  sides of the same system
Handle: Freeland — granddaughter of a melnykover, Secretary General of NATO?
Krupa: Ad multos annos Pat Buchanan
Macron criticizes United States plan
Russian Orthodox Church and War
Back to the world's elite
Bieleń: strategy   of War
Jastrzębski: Sad Barbórka
Dreher: “Realism and the War in Ukraine”
Wirtel: The November Uprising, or Polish Suicide Goal
How long will the “West” be able to fund this war?
Germany is sinking to the bottom
What is not talked about in Belarusian cuisine [list]
Jan Engelgard: November Night or “broth”?
Piskorski: the benefits of reading Dugin
Letter from Moscow to Polish Friends
Visions detached from reality
Polyomski: “Dugin”
Koniuszewski: “News of geopolitics!?”
Warcholski maccartism
Warning against socialist diktat, or state according to Hayek
Yuri Shukhevych died
The first movie  about the war in Ukraine
The government hides 40 billion zlotys outside the budget!
Gorlicka: unprofitable sponsorship