Google's Gemini AI Admits Liberal Bias 1 month ago

Google’s Gemini AI Admits Liberal Bias

Authored by Noel S. Williams via American Thinker,

Amazon’s Alexa just proved she’s well and truly reflective of the political gender gap. When asked, “Why should I vote for Trump?,” her response was a boilerplate “I cannot provide responses that endorse any political party or its leader.”

When asked why someone should vote for Kamala Harris, she suddenly became verbose in her glowing praise, citing “many reasons,” including the fact that Harris is a “woman of color fighting racial injustice.”

This blatant A.I.-driven bias is unsurprising, but there are more insidious forms fabricated by outdated and corrupted data.

I don’t interact with chatty Alexa, so I turned to Google’s A.I. app Gemini with trepidation, inquiring, “Does artificial intelligence bias favor liberals?”

Gemini’s response was, “The short answer is: yes, there’s evidence that AI can exhibit a bias towards liberal viewpoints.” Then Gemini listed several factors that contribute to liberal bias, including:

  • The data used to train AI models often reflects societal biases. If the data contains more liberal perspectives, the AI model is likely to learn and replicate those biases.
  • Developer Bias: The developers of AI systems may introduce their own biases into the models, either intentionally or unintentionally.
  • Algorithmic Bias: The algorithms used in AI systems can sometimes amplify existing biases in the data.

Developer and algorithmic biases are self-evident — the liberal mindset of the big tech companies and their employees, including the political candidates they contribute to, are well documented. But if the data used for training their models had more integrity, it would limit the leverage of developers and their algorithms to disseminate disinformation into the digital town square.

Unlike Alexa, Gemini is a bit more reticent, refusing to be goaded into discussions about elections or political figures. So, in order to get a sense of the data it mines, I prompted it with a simple request: “describe liberals.” Here are the responses, which must have been conjured from biased and outmoded data, since they are more reflective of classical liberalism than today’s demented Dem version. The bolded items are particularly deceptive, as I explain below:

  • Individual rights: Liberals prioritize individual liberties, such as freedom of speech, religion, and assembly.
  • Equality: They advocate for equality of opportunity and oppose discrimination based on factors like race, gender, sexual orientation, and religion.
  • Economic liberalism: While liberals may support some government regulation, they generally advocate for free markets and limited government interference in economic affairs.”
  • Social progress: Liberals often support social reforms, including same-sex marriage, abortion rights, and policies aimed at reducing poverty and inequality.
  • Environmentalism: They tend to prioritize environmental protection and advocate for sustainable practices.
  • Government intervention: Liberals may favor government intervention to address social and economic issues, such as providing healthcare, education, and social safety nets.

Google released Gemini in December 2023, yet its responses to a simple “describe liberals” request are devoid of current “liberal” attitudes, particularly as they riddle today’s demented Dems.

Liberals no longer prioritize individual liberties, but obedience to the socialist state. Neither do they advocate for equality of opportunity, but insist upon equality of outcomes. Their definition of “equality” is just a euphemism for soul-destroying “equity.”

As for economic liberalism — what a joke! Gemini’s Large Language Model needs more training on updated data to reflect all the companies the DOJ and FTC are suing for daring to be successful.

Contrary to Gemini’s propaganda, today’s “liberals” interfere constantly in economic affairs and impulsively impinge on free-market mechanisms. It’s not just Kamala’s communistic-like diktats about price controls, mind you. Just this past week, the DoJ issued A.I. behemoth Nvidia subpoenas as it investigates potential “anti-competitive” practices.

Rather than promote economic liberalism, they choose winners and losers in their half-baked industrial policy. They are simply against success that conflicts with their central planning determinations. Here’s a list of their antitrust case filings. Notice that not even Apple can escape their slimy socialist tentacles.

Google’s Gemini is full of biases, all right, but recency bias is not one of them when it comes to describing liberals. Instead, it seems to be suffering from the opposite, something akin to “vintage bias” (if there is such a thing), in which too much weight is given to historical considerations. After all, as is often intimated with variations, today’s liberals are not your grandfather’s.

If the underlying data used in Google’s LLM were infused with recency and integrity, the Gemini A.I. app would surely merge the key characteristics of “liberals” with leftists. It’s time it catches up.

For example, when instructed to describe leftists, Gemini pointed out their proclivity for big government and offered this insight about leftist views on individual rights: “While leftists value individual rights, they may place a greater emphasis on collective rights and social justice.” That description is a bit more apt, and it greatly describes the vast majority of today’s Dems — they are leftists masquerading as traditional liberals. Including the “woman of color fighting racial injustice.”

Gemini is supposedly an astrological sign associated with communication, logical thought processes, curiosity, and intellect. To thwart data bias, and the ripple effects on developer and algorithmic bias, it’s time Google’s Gemini see the signs.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 09/06/2024 – 12:05

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