Polish politics

Korolchuk: Reason or emotion?
Theater for the masses
Between innovation and AI control
“Poland needs a major overhaul”
Walka o miejską przestrzeń
Eliminate the parliamentary freezer!
We say “I check”!
“These MPs should be stripped of their Polish citizenship!”
Stowarzyszenie Marsz Niepodległości, Młodzież Wszechpolska oraz Ordo Iuris w obronie Mariki
9th Patriot Day in Krakow. Grand gala with the participation of, among others, Andrzej Nowak, Przemysław Czarnek, Wojciech Polak and Wojciech Roszkowski
I became the Vice-Chair of the Parliamentary Group for Equality of the LGBT+ Community, the Parliamentary squad  for the Situation of Women on the Labour marketplace  and the Parliamentary squad  for the City of Warsaw!
We will submit an amendment eliminating the parliamentary “freezer”
Dzieci w Sejmie nauczą nas znaczenia pracy opiekuńczej
I submit a request that Mr. Borys Budka tell the Poles where he brought this law and who is its author
Protest of carriers. “After the avalanche of insults I've been receiving for a month, nothing impresses me”
Koniuszewski: Polish political messianism
Tax on TVP
Kanadyjczycy chcą zachować gotówkę
Młodzież Wszechpolska z Opola wystosowała list do szkoły przeciwko seksualnej deprawacji uczniów
Po co są media publiczne?
„Politycy PiS opanowali sztukę wiary w swoje własne kłamstwa”
Hołownia explains and Poles laugh!
MP Wipler explains why the PIS government for 2  weeks
This is what Polish carriers expect!
Confederation of In Vitro
Politicians to Parliament, Journalists to Media
“Microchip Agenda: Freemasons collect your children's DNA”
“Shury” of the Interwar
Poland ruled by PiS was a banana republic
Sunday on Main Street
IPN umorzyło śledztwo w sprawie decyzji o akcji „Wisła”
Przemysław Wipler: Are you the Confederation's liaison with PO?
Was Gabriel Seweryn a pedophile?
Architecture of Greater Poland
"Another night in political fighting, as your own lawyer, in positions that the state should secure"
Literature and nationalism
Windmill expropriation act
Government inflation
Mentzen grilluje. Oj, grilluje!