Polish politics

Inflation in the shadow of elections
Thieves or idiots? Or possibly  both?!
Women's Power – Left Convention in Gdańsk
Today Bosak & Mentzen on the marketplace  in Nowy Sącz!
Lucassen: The inevitable end of "capitalism"?
Bertolt Brecht: quartermaster of postpopulism
Siegień: "Green border" from the position  of Podlasie
Drama queen and epic confabulant
I don't know if culture will last  the 3rd  word  of PiS [conversation]
The longer you are a priest, the greater your licentiousness
Marek Jakubiak o słowach Wołodymyra Zełenskiego
Łukasz Łachecki: Jak fatalny powinien być wyborczy wynik Lewicy?
Donald Tusk: arabian  Sheikh, King of Europe and number  of Spain...
Let us manifest sisterhood in spite of confiers, right-wing grandfathers and clergy
Let's go to the march and the elections. So that you don't gotta go to the Bastille or another Bereza
Politicians on journalistic position, i.e. TVP in the service of PiS
REMARK! Bosak & Mentzen LIVE present  in Opole!
Young people (don't) vote. What kind of democracy do you want to defend on specified  a planet?
Incident at the Gdynia Festival. Convicted pastor with an appeal to PiS and bishops!
Piotr Ikonowicz przeprasza za błędy w sprawie Rosji
#MeToo in the planet  of Polish YouTube. Stuu, Gargamel... and many more
Abolish social for Ukrainians!
Mentzen ujawnia prawdziwy program Konfederacji!
Symulacja w bipolarze
Na Podlasiu PiS używa bezpieczeństwa do walki politycznej [rozmowa]
Bosak & Mentzen NA ŻYWO! We Wrocławiu, Opolu, Nowym Sączu i Łodzi
Krzysztof Bosak: Chcecie ograniczyć możliwość podróżowania Polaków
Krzysztof Bosak: Ukraińskie rolnictwo nie spełnia żadnych standardów unijnych
"That rocket was Ukrainian!" We request  compensation for the death of Poles
P. Szymanski: Alexander Hamilton. Childhood
It's not rape. It's conspiracy. Shuriken-on-ucation misogyny according to Russell Brand
Krzysztof Bosak (nie)wywraca stolik
100 years ago the Viennese bet on the left, and now they have
Orgy at the rectory in Dąbrowa Górnicza. Is this the problem of only 1  parish? Jacek Międlar and Marek Skowroński [VIDEO]
If Wisniewska makes up, it's half poverty. Worse if it's all true
ZERO SECONDS on TVP! Confederate protest
The left is simply a warrant  of defending your interests.
Fęte de l'Humanité: the left together and yet separately
Apartment by law, not commodity