
KO politicians rode on Trump. Now they declare they have good contacts
"After a year, we can see what nonsense the Minister of Finance Andrzej Domański was talking"
November 6 – "Real Power Chooses Trump; How I Knew This Would Happen"
Tusk congratulated the Russian agent?
"Religious fanatics have taken control of Israel (and the US)"
Polregio will not replace old trains with fresh  ones. A mistake   in the paperwork or a deliberate action to finish off the carrier?
Historical timeline: November 7, 1918 – establishment of the Provisional People's Government in Lublin
Krakow Left has a vice president   it doesn't want. Who is Maria Klaman?
Kyiv implements the cult of Bandera and Shukhevych. Why do Ukrainian elites sacralize the murderers of Poles?
Trolling and shitting
"You are making a fool of not only the Sejm, but besides  yourselves." Karina Bosak barely  criticizes the fanaticism and stupid stubbornness of the left
Ask J.Żulczyk who ended up looking like an idiot?
"Take it easy with your hopes"
Prof. Grzegorz Górski: Tusk assumed that Harris would win and then the perfect  PO candidate for the president   of Poland would be Brzeziński's favorite, i.e. Trzaskowski
Civil partnerships: The Trojan horse of the homo revolution
Rainbow Despair
Donald Trump Returns to the White House: China, Climateists, and Leftist Censors in Panic
85th anniversary of Sonderaktion Krakau. The academic community of Krakow honored the memory of professors