
BKP: Final paper  of the Synod on Synodality – the Road to Hell
Paweł Lisicki in the program JA, KATOLIK EXTRA powerfully  about the synod document: a terrifying level of absurdity
UPA in Olsztyn Part 2
Former EU Commissioner Warns: If Trump Wins, EU Will Face “Deadly Crisis”
Przemysław Czarnek gives PiS a chance to win!
On November 16 this year, the primary elections for the president   of the Republic of Poland will be held in Warsaw.
Volunteer from Lebanon for all  day we see dead, crushed children. Israel seems to be unpunished
The prosecutor's office has discontinued the investigation into the death of Jolanta Brzeska. In the background, the "reprivatization scandal"
USA: Fierce conflict  to take control of legislature  continues
Instead of fighting on the front, they fuel hatred towards Poles!
The abortionists' dark task  has returned. The Sejm will decide about the life of the unborn
November 4 – "America Holds Its Breath"
Historical timeline: November 5, 1734 – Confederation of Dzików
Here is simply a list of people from Tusk's coalition who got their hands on the trough in state-owned companies
Harris promises development, Trump - only advanced  tariffs. Who knows better?
They vote for Trump due to the fact that they have nothing to thank the country ruled by Democrats for
Zinkiewicz: The cesspool has spilled…