
When I become president... – 6 promises of pastor Chojecki
PiS has overheated on migrants. The Confederacy is increasing  on this
Laughter: Ukrainian reflections after years (1)
TVN zaprezentował nowy sondaż wyborczy. Popełnił przy tym fatalną pomyłkę
Disgusting entries of OMZRiK about executions in Poznan
Right to left, or the end of ideology.
Donald Tusk fell ... Left
I don't anticipate  an apology
Is D. Tusk an emotionally unbalanced German?
Referential jostles
Biernacki: Tusk's march – the end of the "revolution"
The left loses due to the deficiency  of leftists, not inby on Twitter
Radzikowski: Between plague and cholera
This is why men don't vote for the Left
Specifics alternatively  of fairy tales of power
Labor law, or a mirage
Fordanser Tusk
Newsletter We are flying for freedom!
“The referendum is simply a large  thing.”
Please unscrew yourself from the Left
“Thames Water - the straw that broke Britain's spine?”
Censors Against Censors
Szlęzak: Political advance in Stalowa Wola
Confederation benefits from voters becoming immune to radicalism
Do you want hunger and misery again? Vote for Tusk and PO!
Applause for Grzegorz Braun
Poland free from fear
The AfD already has 20% support!
How the knight Boris spiSek defeated
Czesław Kulesza: Playing Colors
TUSK is inactive  on his knees before Germany and Russia...
PiS as a reconstruction group of its own campaign
The "red lady" leads the rebranding of the Spanish left
Poles! What is happening to us?
Bieleń: Demophiles and pathocrats
Nomination of a candidate for the sejm
"CLASH ZONE": Not for the crazed freak!
How tusk challenged poles from thieves in poznań
Migration referendum: PiS's desperate leap in pursuit of eluding power
Referendum Kaczyńskiego nie ma nic wspólnego z referendum Komorowskiego
Voters' needs and support for the Left
Who in Poland will throw the slogan of "Polexit"?
Ikonowicz: The mediate  class is not adequate  to win elections
Lewicki: March and after the march
Glad I killed your parents
Według rzeczniczki AfD polskie ziemie zachodnie są częścią Niemiec
Lasecki: antifascism and the System
Biernacki: Tusk's March or magical thinking
Hand: June 4 – National Day of Sitting on the Plot