
Iwicki: "The fresh  Quack"
Grzegorz Braun on the "US wars" and the engagement  of Polish in them
„Szymon na żywo” trwa i trwa mać
Szymon Hołownia swoim blaskiem całkowicie oślepił Donalda Tuska
Katarzyna TS: Genialny plan Mateusza
Mateusza Morawieckiego Koalicja Przegranych Spraw
Jak w Znachorze. Czy Hołownia ustawi zwaśnione obozy do wspólnej fotografii?
Musimy przemyśleć wszystko od nowa
Krzysztof Bosak on the implementation of electoral promises by the Civic Platform
Mentzen grilluje. I przeprasza… pana Prezydenta
Na Półwyspie Iberyjskim jeden lewicowy rząd upada, inny powstaje
Fajnokonserwatyzm Trzeciej Drogi może być groźniejszy niż ten pisowski
Marszałek Hołownia rozpoczął kampanię prezydencką
Żukowska and Gasiuk-Pihowicz become members of the National Council of the Judiciary
Marshals and Deputy Marshals of the Sejm and the legislature  of the tenth term. Speeches and comments [VIDEO]
We request   a miracle erstwhile   it comes to abortion. For example, pregnant Hołownia
What policy ? it's rubbish – it's all about the money
Zinkiewicz: Happily towards catastrophe!
PiS is afraid  with ideology, while the left is afraid  with the actual safety of children
The 3rd  Republic, or an effort  at an authoritarian turn in Italy
We know the Deputy Marshals of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
The Sejm of the tenth term: there are no barriers, the employees of the Sejm are no longer afraid to watch Polsat
Duda as an aspiring leader of the opposition, prime minister as the first Eurosceptic
The Confederation is already submitting its first 2  bills today!
The immorality of the annuitant: why making money from rent is simply a pathology
John Paul: Lewicowe postulaty sprzedane za stołki?
"That was absurd!" This is what the work in the Sejm looked like during the regulation  of the Law and Justice party
Robbery! This is how much the promotion of PiS's "Picnics 800+" cost the taxpayer
Polish's independency  is threatened
"'Speech from the throne' revealed plans to increase espionage powers and showed a complete disregard for human rights." (video)
Our everyday xenophobia
Accountants or economists? The dispute over the economical  policy of the unborn government
The Razem organization  is not part of the government coalition in the Church. Who was to blame?
Sutowski: It is simply a mistake   that Razem will not join Tusk's government
Wyniki wyborcze Konfederacji: co zawiodło?
Balcerowicz or Wańka-Wstańka
If the employees knew this, in a period  we would have a rebellion in Poland!
Samborski: Boundaries in the heart, in the head  and in action
Katarzyna TS: The Best Government
There were expected  to be 100 concrete. 100 portable came out
Golla: 10 years of alternate  for Germany (AfD)
Kto stworzy nowy rząd? Prezydent Andrzej Duda zadecydował
The coalition is inactive  being formed.
The president   declared a “war” on the opposition
Cards already dealt? [VIDEO]
“The world's largest biometric digital recognition  system, India's Aadhaar, has just suffered the largest data breach in history”
Interesting times await us under the Liberal Socialist and Conservative-Progressive Coalition