World politics

"Co musisz wiedzieć o następnej plandemii"(video)
"Newsom sfinansował chińskie laboratorium C...D znane FDA Bidena"(video)
Meloni in the arms of globalists?
Modzelewski: “Sobering”
Mulomski: Partido Popular? No thanks
Debate: threat of deadly escalation
Zinkiewicz: Putin's Warsaw agents
Dłuszyński: Extinguished memory stick in Szczecin-Dąbia
"FANATYKA "Zmiany klimatu" jest NAJWIĘKSZYM ZAGROŻENIEM, przed jakim stoi w tej chwili świat"
"Polska alarmuje NATO, wysyła więcej żołnierzy na granicę po oskarżeniu Białorusi o naruszenie jej przestrzeni powietrznej"(video)
The Forgotten Hero — Capt. Karol Jamnicki
Drones alternatively  of tanks
Historical timeline: August 7, 1914 — Germany storms Kalisz
“Assisted dying will no longer just be for the terminally ill, and this should worry us all...” (video)
“The Microchipping Agenda: Why Are Freemasons Collecting Your Children's DNA?”
“Dark secrets revealed: CIA behind Deagel's shocking 2025 forecast and authoritative  figures for excess deaths in the millions prove it's a target, not just an estimate”
“WorldCoin: AI requires proof that you are human” (video)
“From hidden to overt: British government and companies unleash facial designation  technologies across the urban landscape”
Egregious manipulation of the PAP. Changed Ukrainians to Germans
The undoubted successes of Donald Tusk on the defensive field...
Jacek Czaputowicz, erstwhile  Minister of abroad  Affairs, committed national treason
Szczęśniak: Russian oil wins clash
Trump badly misplaced. Polls are rising all  day
Leszek Sykulski: Crime and Myth. About the Warsaw Uprising.
How the German Lord saved the Poles...
TRUST: Dzerzhinsky's operation
Strong, stupid, naive
Banderism is flourishing in Ukraine. The problem is growing
Koniuszewski: Guarantees
Rękas: Poland and Russia: inevitable escalation?
Mentzen and Kołodziejczak – silent Siamese brothers?
Coup in Niger. What's going on?
"Poland is building troops on the border in consequence  to the alleged violation of a combat chopper  in Belarus" (video)
Laughter: Ukrainian reflections after years (2)
“Scientists want to produce a female's eggs from 2  males and remove the female from sacred procreation”
"OpenAI CEO Launches Iris Scan Cryptographic Plan to 'Verify' all  Human Being: 'THE TIME HAS COME!'"
"The U.S. government quietly announced the collapse of another bank late Friday night (hoping no 1  would notice)"
The trap of the pro-Ukrainian narrative
Dugin: Russia needs censorship and repression
We will not arrange Kafka's "The Trial" with you
Narodowcy w Powstaniu Warszawskim
Biernacki: Kaczynski and 100 Wagnerships
Historical timeline: August 1, 1944 - the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising
Rękas: Poland and Russia - inevitable escalation?
Warsaw Uprising 1944 — unnecessary slaughterhouse
Putin's Man March in Warsaw...
Anti-war debate: Central Europe and the Anglo-Saxons
Heroes without whom there would be no free polish today!
The second phase of the Ukrainian offensive (Orekhovo on 26 July)
Bandera attacks Poland and lies about history