Polish politics

German AfD politician questions Polish borders
Commentator who got lost in utopia
John Lennon: "I sold my soul to the devil".
V DON'T KILL! Abortion. In vitro. STOP!
Open letter to Minister Adam Szłapka
Cash for victims
Hawk - not Hawk
Olympic Games should be a celebration of sports
"Oscar "Chicago "co is harassed".
Political realism
Fish and Fishing Rod – an epigram
Islam as a religion   of peace? Anti-Catholic profanation in France
Sejm chwali „profesjonalizm” służb na granicy, raporty mówią co innego
Loud empty stadiums
Składamy po raz drugi projekt ustawy o dekryminalizacji pomocy w aborcji!
Bartłomiej Zindulski: Nepalscy komuniści i powrót na chińskie tory
The Nitras Programme: parity and "anti-discrimination". Will leftism destruct  Polish sport?
We say goodbye to our Friend Frank, he passed distant  to the home  of the Lord on July 23, 2024.
Zwolnienia w PKP Cargo
Piskorski: Anti-constitutional furniture
Impact on PKP
What do I anticipate  from the 3rd  Plenum of the Central Committee of the CCP?
Lempart activists are back in the game
Wrapping up in... scrupulous
Cuchnące konserwatywne bajoro
A drunken Ukrainian and a pursuit  like in a gangster movie
Reflections on the Word of Life Lk 1,76-77
“The cult of women is occult”
MEN recommends the creation of preparatory departments for students from Ukraine
The commandment of caring for teeth
The Sejm considered the Ordo Iuris bill to ban “gender reassignment” in minors. Will the Tusk government dare to defend  children?
Papal agency in Asia writes about Vatican's 'complicated relationship' with communist Vietnam
Jak odnieść sukces jako lewicowiec
Boat or Quoot?
Synod's theological advisor reveals long-term plan for rebuilding the Church. It's about the Germans and Latin America
Cardinal Walter Brandmüller calls: “Let us end the liturgical war!” And puts forward concrete postulates
E. Wedel, formerly 22 July
PKP Cargo crisis: the company may lose the marketplace  to a Ukrainian competitor. Weird Personnel Threads
Report of the XXX Pilgrimage of the Union of Soldiers of the National Armed Forces
Poles are increasingly forced to gain  money. This has to do with the rising cost of living
Computers alternatively  of politicians
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