Polish politics

Elon Musk bought Twitter. This is simply a threat, not a hope, to free speech
Concern for the climate unites the left and the right. It's time for politicians to draw conclusions
Parliamentary immunity in Poland PiS: the most crucial  pros and cons
Jarosław Pietrzak: Is there inactive  a future for Dom Lula?
Kaczyński attacks developers, but it was PiS who built their position
The year is 2137. We come to tell you about it
Stan Tymiński was the Wokulski of transformation. It is worth considering his defeat
Grafik_czka to cooperate with the promotion and distribution department
The Confederation about the task  Toryto Plus: PiS realizes that the end awaits them.
In defence  of tomato soup facials
Every tenth inhabitant of Poland is simply a foreigner. Ikonowicz: Glory to the refugees!
What's incorrect  with large  athletics  and Why Everything?
Europe 2035: Rib looks into the palantir and sees doom
Žižek: Atomic safari, or the folly of self-destruction
Here comes the curtailment of home education. The Confederacy protests.
Faster, cheaper and more economical by bus
Taras Bilous: War in Ukraine. Does the left have an thought  for global  security
Gdula on Latour: Emancipation without criticism?
Doctors? "Let them go!" But let them work first
EU funds: Here's what the opposition should do if PiS turns on the "polexit" mode
Here's why we threw tomato soup at Van Gogh
After the Women's Congress. "It's not about the absence of radicalism, it's about democracy"
These 3  crises will make our lives in Poland shorter. All
Will there inactive  be good jobs?
The end of the planet  of boomers
Singer: Inhuman research. How to avoid unnecessary suffering?
In the coming winter, Owl tapes will not warm Poles
Why legislature  of Women is not as extremist  as I would like
Mazzucato: A progressive economical  program in 5  points
Piotr Szumlewicz: Let's defend the regulation  of law in the Social Insurance Institution
Polyomski matrimony  Conversations: A fresh  Book on Harari
Composing a shared world. What did Bruno Latour actually do?
Erbel: Bruno Latour encouraged us to halt  reasoning  rationally
You are tied with string and glued together with chewing gum. "Great Water" is the communicative   of our future?
The richer the man, the more conservative he is. Why?
Are Poles racist? Do we live in a fascist state?
Konrad Pustoła Memorial Scholarship for Agnieszka Jurek
Lis, Tusk, Congress: where the women fight, the peasant benefits, and the priest will besides  drip
PiS is part of the extremist  right international. He hopes to beat Brussels with it
You make memes about Královec, and the nationalists have taken over the energy crisis
What will the left promise us that Tusk has not promised?
Capitalism preys on women's bodies
Žižek: Women, life, freedom and the left
Donald Tusk received a loan
Monbiot: A government of oligarchs for oligarchs
"Derry Girls": The component  of laughter versus violence
Solutions that are good for students on the spectrum or ADHD will be good for everyone
Whatever is the beginning here will have its consequences
UK: A neoliberal grenade exploded in the hands of the government
For women, for life, for freedom. Protests in Iran are gaining momentum