
"September 21 –" Choice: ....nastic or communist police state"
Judas, Salvation and Damnation: Paweł Lisicki on the Creeping Gnostic Revolution in the Church
There will be taxes on combustion cars!
Coated paper - an unnecessary luxury
Arrested for posting on the internet
A wave of looters in areas where the flood has receded
A bizarre survey. TVN asked its viewers to make  "child-free zones"
A charm for a dog
The decline of the electrical  car   market
Magna Polonia won against the healer Jerzy Zięba!
Help for Izabela Szolc: urgent appeal for support for the writer
Stanisław Michalkiewicz: The Pecking Order in Activism
The Pain of the Unborn: A “Taboo” subject  for Pro-Abortion Communities
Incredible attendance at meetings with Sławomir Mentzen
Parliamentary intervention on the usage  of eco-terrorist organizations by abroad  intelligence
Spanish association calls on European Catholics to respond   coherently to secularization