
Łukasz Warzecha: An anonymous justice  and a hymn of praise for climate activists
PiS has no thought  for Tusk. Why?
Prime Minister Victor Orban thanked the Confederation's MEPs
Australia: Bishop against tyrannical tendencies of progressives. "Equity Act" a threat to the Church
Hidden crisis of power [new study  by Sierakowski and Sadura]
Markiewka: A year in government and in opposition. Where is the place for the left?
Trzaskowski starts his run  – the scandal surrounding the "Independence March"
Money, Death and Satan - The Assassination of the Last Tsar of Russia
Dollar supremacy and Russian assets
Stasi officer kills Pole. Years later he will be behind bars
50 Years of Turmoil: The Church's "Dialogue" with Judaism and Islam Has Been Going on for Decades
Jews usage  Palestinians as “human shields”
Tusk: "There is no way anyone could get to Poland illegally"
Kaczyński: "Don't cry, consolidate", or PiS closes ranks and buttocks
Personal assistant for… immigrant! These are the ideas that Tusk’s government wants to implement!
Can PiS return to power?! Fierce dispute between Ziemkiewicz and Woś [WATCH]
Prawa człowieka są dla frajerów
Church Ruled by Synods with sex  Quotas: Influential Canon lawyer   Demands Change