
"Opole disappeared from the map of Poland"
Confederation with AfD
R. Wicherek: Trump is besides  a bad choice
Antoni Ciszewski: Where there is seriousness, discipline and order
Coat of arms of Christopher Columbus
Dating with a book or what a Kabbalah!
Golla: Prediction of the Fall of the West
Zinkiewicz: Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Army warns!
No 1  can be denied humanity! An crucial  appeal from the Institute of Pro-Life Thought
Morawiecki admitted: "I am a heretic". The Prime Minister explains his words to
The Smiling Bankrupt's Budget
Yossi Gurwitz - "What Dooms Humanity" (video)
October 14 – "What the United States Has Become"
The Platform is going to war with the independency  March again! Everyone to the March!
Łukasz Warzecha: An anonymous justice  and a hymn of praise for climate activists
PiS has no thought  for Tusk. Why?
Prime Minister Victor Orban thanked the Confederation's MEPs
Australia: Bishop against tyrannical tendencies of progressives. "Equity Act" a threat to the Church