
The Pope met with neo-Lysenkoism activists
50 Years of Turmoil: The Church's "Dialogue" with Judaism and Islam Has Been Going on for Decades
Jews usage  Palestinians as “human shields”
Eco-madness in Polish court. "Last Generation" gets the lowest punishment  due to the fact that it could "turn out to be heroic"
Minister of National Defense: Construction of the East Shield's fortification elements will begin in 2024
Biden-Harris Administration Sabotages Trump Assassination Investigation: Investigative Commission study  Leaves No Illusions
Another church fire. 1  of the oldest temples in Chile burned down
Jewish Nazis prevented evacuation of sick   children from hospital
Austrian left closes ranks. Will they do anything to strangle the right-wing FPÖ?
Cardinal Steiner on Women's Diaconate: "Why Not?"
Tusk: "There is no way anyone could get to Poland illegally"
Kaczyński: "Don't cry, consolidate", or PiS closes ranks and buttocks
Personal assistant for… immigrant! These are the ideas that Tusk’s government wants to implement!
Can PiS return to power?! Fierce dispute between Ziemkiewicz and Woś [WATCH]
Attention! I'm changing my nick!!!!!
Wyborcza: Christopher Columbus was a Jew
Pociski na wagę złota. Polska musi wykonać wielki skok. Jest deklaracja giganta
Ukraińcy mówią: stop. Orban ma problem. Po ropie przyszedł czas na gaz