
Censorship and disinformation services against citizens. Horrifying Congressional reports [2].
Rev. Thomas Halik says the Church is not yet "one." What about the Creed?
What protects the Polish kleptocracy from becoming an oligarchy à la Hungary?
We will not defender  the Ukrainian front for the Germans to do business with the Russians
Pfizer demands more than 5.5 billion zlotys from Poland. 5  AND A HALF BILLION!
Will Kaczyński and Nawrocki get asylum in Hungary?
Are we ready for a reversal of alliances?
"I have a much better chance of winning against Trzaskowski than Nawrocki".
UN one more time  condemns illegal settlements and crimes of Jewish-Nazis
The hunt for Romanowski
Reflections on the Word of Life 1 John 5:11-12
"This is an effort  to make  thought   police out of the prosecutor's office." Karina Bosak on "hate speech": you want people to go to jail for their views
"I thank the president   for the constructive meeting".
Results of the year with Vladimir Putin
Feast in Poznań church - Rev. Wachowiak: it makes me worse
Punishment for "hate speech". Anyone see the consequences of this leftist invention?
One year after "Fiducia supplicans". A mess and unclear standards
Partyjne swojaki walczą o kasę i stołki