World politics

Instead of fighting on the front, they fuel hatred towards Poles!
November 4 – "America Holds Its Breath"
Historical timeline: November 5, 1734 – Confederation of Dzików
Harris promises development, Trump - only advanced  tariffs. Who knows better?
They vote for Trump due to the fact that they have nothing to thank the country ruled by Democrats for
Zinkiewicz: The cesspool has spilled…
Mr. Błaszczak "there is specified  a terrible tradition of national treason"
Tusk and Sikorski are dragging Poland into war with Russia!
Open Letter by Janusz Korwin-Mikke
New alliance in the Far East: Indonesia and Russia begin first joint exercises
How the US presidential election could impact European Union reform
Marcin Drewicz: The Failure of the Tsarina
Unlucky Kamala is like a Chinese shop
Jakub Majewski: United States – It's already interesting, and what will happen next…
American – "brave fresh  world."
Donald Trump Will Win Thanks to a... Squirrel? What's the large  Deal with the "Peanut" Case
November 3 - "Trump Will Win a Landslide Victory"
Modzelewski: The 3rd  (?) "Betrayal of the West"
Cui bono? Abortion and porn businesses are heavy  backing  Kamala Harris' campaign
In 2023, 473 million children lived in war zones [Save the Children report]
Trump in fresh  York: The final brakes have been released
Democracy dies on the desks of oligarchs
Will France Reignite? Violence, Gang Wars and Immigrants Devastate Country; Authorities Promise 'Strong Response'
Abortionists, kid  depravers, porn manufacture  donated millions of dollars to Kamala Harris' election campaign
The End of “Missionary Internationalism”?
November 1 - "Conservatives" are the false opposition"
November 2 - "We are passengers on the Titanic"
Historical timeline: November 3, 1655 – conclusion of the armistice in Niemieża
More than a 3rd  of tree species are threatened with extinction
Ukrainians robbed Poles utilizing the BLIK method
Israel wants to deport families of people suspected of collaborating with the opposition  movement
Not members of the "golden billion" club
Sparks fly between Polish and Ukrainian authorities
Historical calendar: November 2, 1932 – Józef Beck, Minister of abroad  Affairs
Through service to others, loyalty to Christ and the sacrifice of their lives they defeated russian  evil.
More about BRICS – papers  and their interpretation
Dlaczego celebryci popierają Harris? Dziennikarz ma hipotezę
ONZ: Izrael dokonuje metodycznych wysiedleń i ludobójstwa
Radosław Sikorski, prowojenny prowokator pod anglosasko-żydowską kuratelą.
Grecja konsekwentnie domaga się reparacji za niemieckie zbrodnie
Media w USA: „Nowy lobbingowy kolos” opowiada się za Trumpem
The Archetype of the European Empire in the Political thought   of Mircea Eliade and Julius Evola, in Relation to European Nationalisms of the 1920s and 1930s
"Prezydentura Kamali Harris"
Nazywam się Sainab, mam 17 lat i chcę wam opowiedzieć o tym, co mnie spotkało na polsko-białoruskiej granicy
Północno-wschodnie ramię rosyjskich „kleszczy”
Vaclav Klaus: Zatrzymać upadek Europy
Żydowski minister domaga się pełnej anekcji Zachodniego Brzegu