Polish politics

Rebuilding Democracy: Proposals for the Opposition
The most crucial  room
Pandemic digitization of universities
2022 in the mediate  East: The return of geopolitics, or Biden and Xi as oil pilgrims
A Year in Asia and the Far East: Keys to Earth's Future inactive  mostly   in Washington DC
Mind by freedom enslaved
Left fights Godek
Do not liquidate TVP Info
Polish cosmos
Ajab the door
Social liberal old spinster
The fact  is out [about the movie  "Glass Onion"]
Žižek: Whatever happens will be inevitable
Benedict XVI abdicated
Przemysław Wielgosz: A year of better change
UOKiK uderza w Allegro za praktyki monopolowe. Nałożono wielomilionowe kary
When tech companies start to take work   for metaphysics, or what awaits us in 2023
The 13 most read and most discussed texts of 2022
Let us not give in to the ideology of self-elimination of humanity
Has the FTX fiasco compromised effective altruism?
The FTX crash and the hypocrisy of effective altruism
How did they earn?
Are children beaten in Poland? Yet how! It's advanced  time to change that
7 biggest surprises of 2022
The planet  in the pack
What the pandemic taught us about seniors
Rise not from this story
Trade unions are a reflection   of society — interview with Piotr Ostrowski
Luxurious communism at your fingertips?
After all, happy
This is where the change took place: LGBTQ+ from the position  of 20 years
A symbolically won conflict  for commitment
Attention! Serial felophiles are on the prowl in Poland
Haiti - a short past  of postcolonial tragedy
As not a drone, it's a grenade launcher
They stole the factory. They will answer after 20 years
When do you compromise on KPO?
Victorious uprising
20 years of turning left
The presence of women warms politics? The "government" breaks with this stupid stereotype
"Look how much of the culture around you belongs to us"
Tymoteusz Kochan: Get off the woke
"Menu": Served to the table
What did they expect?
Developers copy Russia's strategy, but the government has found a solution
Ernaux's politics: the bittersweet taste of class advancement
Nation and violence
Holidays with pomegranate