Polish politics

“Zabijać MOŻNA, tylko trzeba wiedzieć KOGO”. Adrian Nikiel o relatywizacji zła w popkulturze
Piskorski: The Faces of Non-Reading
An increasingly unusual  country
How to defeat the planet  Government?
Lex gonorrhoea
Pogrzeb gen. Jana Podhorskiego
"The Inexhaustible Joke": The genius of this game  is beyond my comprehension
New year, fresh  me? Everything is simply a substance  of organization!
Young people have the right to vote
Janina Goss did not go to Orlen only due to cronyism
A fresh  Polish-Ukrainian Treaty on the horizon?
Bory and Cucumber Wit
Communist organization  of Your Uncle's Couch
Anyone can be a recipient
I was, I am, I will be!
Free regional media? Free jokes
The dark folk already bought it... and will not give it distant  for free
Libkow tabloidisation of science
Founding myth
Hate... memory... forgiveness...
“Peak” in Lviv
Firma Karcher ukarana za długoletnią zmowę cenową
Jarosław Urbański: period  for epidemics
Marcin Matczak always fights in defence  of privilege
Ikonowicz: A fairy tale about the mediate  class, the fact  about stratification
Małopolska pamięta o Dmowskim!
Google Play Card — How to usage  the Play store   library?
The Meloni government's war against NGOs, castaways and the left
The Circulating Spectrum of Artificial Intelligence
Conference “Jędrzej Giertych — Christian Nationalism in the Way of His Life”
People, don't strain yourself!
India understands the Western arguments for war, but cannot afford a conflict with Russia
How to scare PiS wisely and not overheat
77 % zatrzymanych za zamieszki w Berlinie jest pochodzenia migracyjnego
“Behavioral” experiments before we hit the front
Are we going to send Polish Leopards?
Nosowska in language and culture
Who is in charge in Poland today?
Between Haresia and Talmudism
Between Heresy and Talmudism
Patlewicz: Have I committed specified  terrible crimes that the paper did not want to accept their description?
Žižek: The founding crimes of right-wing heroes
He laughs who laughs at the ship, or a movie  satire on the rich
A immense  wave that won't come. On the writing of Joan Didion
Niemcy odpowiadają na polską notę ws. reparacji. Czy możemy liczyć na odszkodowanie?
Obajtek explodes in PiS's hands
Why Transhumanists Don't regulation  America
Godë, or Christmas in Kashubia
What are the real attitudes of Poles towards Ukrainians?