Polish politics

“Fast track” in education, that is, master minister's degree!
Wizards skeptical about 1  list
Women's bodily autonomy not on hand to elites
Three Faces of John Paul II
Mom-Gynecologist punished
A teenager with a telephone  enters the church. Solidarity Poland xuj shoots
Germany and France are taking Ukraine to Poland. Saryusz-Wolski warns of EU trap [VIDEO]
Pole in Hanoi again
The Roma are the largest number  in modern Europe and they are discriminated against everywhere
Between globalization and the politics of large  powers
Israel: Far-right takes over courts. Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators in the streets
Sirzewo 5  years later. Dams won't aid  rivers - they can only hurt
The strong and the weak, or about the power of social engineering
O How the Victim
God-fearing hysteria
(Without) your cross
Let the children be themselves
A group of Ukrainian hammers bullies a young Pole. Will mainstream take care of the matter? [VIDEO]
It's not adequate  to be a girlboss to break free
Capital devoured labor
82nd birthday of “Polish Thought”
Piskorski: Degradation of Polish diplomacy
Convicted by criminals for crimes of criminals
Western Liberators
Confusion followed the remarks by the Polish Ambassador about the possible entry of Poland into the war with Russia. There's a statement!
Kielce debate “Are we in danger of war?”
Crash... and after crash
How to save our planet
John Paul II — Man
The Left Wants to Unpaw
Forecast pessimistic, but is it accurate?
Cowboy Zuzia
The hazel grout
Koniuszewski: The substance  of Power
Anniversary of the Serb pogrom
Get distant  from Poland!
Care work is full   work. It engages virtually all dimensions of life [Chutnik, Szumlewicz and Urbańska in conversation]
The loneliness of an artist, the loneliness of a sexist…
Szlęzak: Could Karol Wojtyla know?
It doesn't fit in the head! parent  excuses behaviour of Ukrainian children who spat in face to Polish peer
Why is it worth being démodé?
This is no country for weak Jews
4th Social legislature  of Women. For higher wages and lower rents!
Fighting fasting with carnival
Condemned for empathy and solidarity
Instead of giving distant  villas, give decent wages to teachers
Rationally, but boldly
Left remembers seniors
Wydrzyńska guilty, the justice  satisfied, Godek comforted
Dzień Ojca w uroczystość św. Józefa – podpisy już w Sejmie! Co zrobią posłowie?