
Trade war with Ukraine! How did that happen?
Panasiuk: September 17, 1939 — a bitter lesson in real geopolitics
„Tylko świnie siedzą w kinie”. Młodzież Wszechpolska o filmie Agnieszki Holland
Bieleń: Not for court political science
Ukraine showed Poland the great! fresh  Bosak & Mentzen is on YouTube
“They went crazy, they went crazy, they got lost”, that is, awakening with a hand in the potty
Krzysztof Bosak mocno o polityce prowadzonej przez Ukrainę
Sławomir Mentzen o “stalkującym Ryszardzie Petru”
Zelensky before the UN safety  Council. He demands, moralizes, tips his fingers...
P. Krzemiński: Appeal to Polish bishops
“SHOCKING INVESTIGATION: Szc... C... nks... origin  a fresh  form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; Here's all the evidence...”
September 17, 1939 — A bitter lesson in real geopolitics
We present ourselves to the planet  as simply   stupid state
Todd Callender: “The Marburg pandemic could be caused by lipid nanoparticles releasing the virus into vaccinated people utilizing 5G as a trigger” (video)
Look up, prof.  Hołyst! [letter]
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