
Strong against the weak, weak against the strong? A 65-year-old farmer who protested against government policies targeted by the "rule of law"
Wackowski: PiS and PO – geopolitical twins
Historical timeline: December 24, 1287 – Mongols attack Kraków
"Bad" due to the fact that it is ecclesiastical, not state? Windows of Life save children and... they pinch leftists
Freemasons versus the last believing Catholics. In France, there is simply a court war over Nativity Scenes in public space
Rosłoniec: "Dychtatura is specified  a government that a man is allowed to do what he does not want"
The time has come for a full   war of the left with the Church
Biernacki: Connect the dots
All the longest, or Michnik wishes Christmas
About Russia, but a bit polemic to Russian officers
Polish bishops say 'NO' to the actions of the Ministry of National Education! Hierarchs call on parents to fight in defence of 'rights of believers'
A black immigrant working at the infirmary  attacked and raped a patient
Elon Musk vs. Jeff Bezos. Multi-billionaires want to exploit the Moon, or how Sci-Fi is becoming a reality
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Thank you very much for specified  Christmas "gifts"!
"Pandemic" murderism is just around the corner. WHO announced deadline for completion of the treaty
CHR: in the case of Fr. Olszewski there was inhumane treatment and another  violations of rights and freedoms
Robert Fico met with Vladimir Putin