
Disgrace of the servants of Ukraine
Małgorzata Gosiewska's coarse behaviour! The Confederation submits a motion to deprive it of the function of Deputy Marshal of the Sejm.
Slovenia rejects populism again. The first female  to hold the office of president
November 11 — What are we celebrating?
Tusk przyzwyczaił się: "do tego, iż kłamstwo jest czymś bezkarnym, iż można kłamać od rana do wieczora"
Waćkowski: Montenegro elections — another erosion of Djukanovic's influence
“Homo-Numericus” — the road to the agony of humanity
Piskorski: The most crucial  elections
Gdańsk — “City of Freedom”
Mannerheim and Zelensky
Elections in Denmark: from the mink scandal to the success of the social democrats
The left can be a haven for voters leaving PiS
PiS wants to defend  local authorities who provided voter data to the Polish Post in 2020. Confederacy: It's Insolence Plus.
We don't have you on the list, what are you going to do to us? How is the electoral law in the US received
Handle: An independent Scotland outside NATO — ALBA organization  proposes
Prize for Tusk: a fresh  beginning for an old dispute in Polish feminism
A man of the people versus a criminal in the crown. Brazil is waiting for the second round
Poland 2050 shows candidates for candidates. I don't want to be just a "Hołownia party"
Good news from Italy: It won't get any worse
The results of the survey   show that the majority of Ukrainians have no problem with the word  "in Ukraine". Let's put an end to the humiliating mutilation of the Polish language!
Ukazał się 26. numer „Polityki Narodowej”
More socialism, the Pole will endure. Maląg presents fundamentally incorrect  ideas for expanding  fertility in Poland
Pereira tapes
Christmas Eve at carps
Long live the European Federation!
Cauliflower on superstring
Confessions of a powerpointophobe
National Enthusiasm
Electoral College -- WTF?
Patronite does not exist
Ruchy, ruchy!
For a bowl of rice
Mehr macht!
Second Ireland
Śmiszek 2020
Zandberg 2020!
There is no tragedy
Why they don't fall, ep. 3581
Łódź anarchists and the student business  movement – an effort  to summarize #49 (2/2018)
Women should lose their voting rights – just like men #16 (1/2002)
Feminism and Irish Republicanism #16 (1/2002)
Guy N. Kaczynski
Face Lifting vs. Classic
Bonaparte did not give us an example
Post-election manifesto
Pre-election manifesto
Loose theses about Biedroń
How RSW was liquidated
How DhonDT Ordinance Works
In the European elections, I will vote for...