World politics

P. Krzemiński: Poland risks its independence
Jankowski: Nationalism or nationalisms?
Stop calling the Iraq war a 'mistake': notes from the edge of the communicative  matrix
Dugin: Postmen and post-humans
Unią rządzą wariaci! Stanisław Michalkiewicz bezlitosny dla eurokratów
War criminals must stand trial
Katarzyna TS: Poland as arsonist of the world
P. Krzemiński: Let's not accelerate ourselves in geopolitics, alternatively  survey  history
First there was Iraq
Modern deportations of Ukrainians
Prezydent Czech ostro w "Gazecie Wyborczej": "Razem zgromadzimy wystarczającą siłę, by stawić czoła narodowym interesom Niemiec czy Francji"
“Altersystem” is possible
Loin in light of Donald Tusk's retirement...
"Fauda" has ambitions to show the planet  behind the Israeli wall. What came out of it?
Finland in NATO
UN: Russians in Ukraine did not commit genocide
Jankowski: Why should we look at France?
Let's live the twentieth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq with peace in mind
Realism in a Time of Existential Threat
Bleach: Casus foederis
Francja w ogniu! Policja nie jest w stanie zapanować nad protestami przeciwko reformie emerytalnej Macrona! ZOBACZ ZDJĘCIA
May all  politician have a revolver behind his claw — why am I defending Ziobra?
Communal slayer —one more story  of JP II to debunk
Ziemia Wojtyły
Inflation in Russia — 4%
URGENT! The expert claims that the slogan “National Armed Forces — NSZ” contains threats and calls for hatred! Based on his opinion, Sutryk accused Jacek Międlar [DOCUMENTS+STENOGRAM]
Jewish participation in Bolshevism
Europe rolls up banking sector
The liberal Czech president   will visit quasi-authoritarian Poland today. What will come of it?
Cracked hearts — about murdered polish children in the łódź ghetto
Kaci nkwd and sb in post-war poland
Sail — judaic  gestapo agents
“We have no luck   with the leaders.”
Sustainability will turn our planet  upside down
Crown: the time of the declaration has already passed, the time to act
Piskorski: Who wants to set Georgia on fire?
Drwęski: 4  scenarios
J. Międlar: Political dance on the corpses of genocide victims, or Morawiecki, ensures that Ukraine promises...
General under US sanctions as PRC's fresh  defence minister
Correspondence from Norway: Americans increasingly little  curious  in supporting government  in Kiev
Lewicki: War has gone beyond the confines of generals' imagination
Jacques Guillemain: America's lies, Europe's captivity
Better “condominium” than war
Modzelewski: 2  visions of authoritative  patriotism
Journalist ashamed for anti-war banner
Seven Decades Without Stalin
Orban bets on Austria
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