World politics

"U.S. Intelligence Agencies Say They anticipate  Protests in Israel to Lead to Government Fallout"
"This article is censored: How to "fight ............" (video)
Premier się pochwalił. Anna Bryłka ściąga go na ziemię
Skalski: Dajmy się zabić – byle na złość Rosji
Spotkanie ws. sytuacji w rolnictwie i możliwości rozwiązań konfliktu
"The Good Jew", Yevgeny Satanovsky, on the election of the president   of the Russian Federation
Collective farm without wire
"In the flesh?" (Pink Floyd)
Tusk and Duda's "rescue" visit to the White House. With 1  voice on Ukraine
"Sami swoi" and History
Szczesniak: Global economical  warfare staff
Hunter "onuc" doomed!
Stupidity or "Für Deutschland"
Nowak: Why is the second Volhynia a substance  of time
“The release of genetically modified mosquitoes creates MUTATIONS that can origin  RESISTANT vector-borne diseases”
Zinkiewicz: Uncle “Good Advice”
Picta: At the resuscitation department in Donetsk (part 2)
Hermes: About the state of the Union or about the state of war?
Hungary and Slovakia talk  with a voice of peace
Radosław Sikorski: NATO military personnel are already present in Ukraine
Górska: Zachodnią lewicę charakteryzuje naiwny pacyfizm. W Razem jesteśmy realistami
“Governments have utilized  public wellness  emergencies to...”
So left-wing that it's... right-wing
Piotr Doerre: 3  scenarios for Ukraine
Naomi Klein: Under the Iron Dome, We Have Only Ourselves
“The puppeteers of the world: the dark influence of the young planet  leaders of the WEF" (video)
“Why the United States is Trying to Imprison Assange: Richard Medhurst's Inside Court Report.”
“State intellectual   experts are distancing themselves from behavioral discipline  — isn't brainwashing fashionable anymore?”
“Emotion Tracking — Artificial Intelligence at Work: Employees Afraid of Being Watched and Misunderstood.”
“UK Ambassador to the UN declares UK commitment to UN 2030 Agenda”
Trump-Orban meeting
Kryzys w rolnictwie można rozwiązać krajowymi rozporządzeniami. Tusk tego nie robi!
The Sejm and the government, as bullies... in Poland's “agricultural war” with Russia and Belarus...
Krzysztof Bosak odpowiada von der Leyen
US Poland calls for peace
United Kingdom: “The Secret Nerve Center of Syy... perished.”
“Here is the worst part of the revealed German call for an 'attack on the Crimean bridge'. It seems that any  officers have forgotten what country they curse  to defend — and besides, they are truly  bad at cheating.”
Bieleń: The Language of War
Jastrzębski: Fear of war is rational
Partnership or even more exploitation? Giorgia Meloni has a plan for Africa
Burning “Abrams”
Galbraith: How Russia benefited from sanctions
“Power Behind the Throne and Eternal Wars.” (video)
Warsaw in the smoke of gas and rac. “Exchange of (non) courtesy” between the participants of the farmers' strike and the police [STRONG PHOTOS!]
Polish-Hungarian historical relations are crucial
To whom is the bell ringing from Moscow and to whom from the Gaza Strip
Open Letter to American Polonia and another  Polish emigrants
Biernacki: RuzkIch onuc rash
Easy mark  — Considerations on the Russian AWACS System
“Touching concern” for the feelings and consciences of Swedish Protestants.